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Social Welfare Research Toolkit: Articles and Books

Resources for research in Social Welfare.

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Find E-Books

Oxford Clinical Psychology Over 200 titles in a broad range of specialty areas, disorders, and treatment modalities, including theTreatments That Work series.

Springer Electronic Book Package E-books in many fields including Social WorkSocial Policy and Psychology.

APA e-book collection Current e-books published by the American Psychological Association from 2009 to date.

ProQuest E-Book Central Berkeley's largest e-book collection, with thousands of  titles on a wide range of subjects, including social work, education and psychology. 

Wiley Online Library Ebook Collection Fulltext books in social welfare and psychology from 2011.

Oxford Scholarship Online: Psychology

MIT CogNet E-books in cognitive and brain sciences published by MIT.

Find Articles

The Berkeley Libraries subscribes to hundreds of databases organized by subject and format (news, data, dissertations, etc.) Below are some of the core resources in this field.