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Social Welfare Research Toolkit: Help!

Resources for research in Social Welfare.

Research Appointments

Social Welfare students -- please contact me for an individual research appointment.

Statistical Consulting

Free Statistical Consulting is offered to members of the campus community during the academic year!

Ask a Librarian 24/7 Chat

Your Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Ann Glusker
Social Research Library
227 Haviland Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000

Need Books/Journals We Don't Have?

Let me know if there are books that you need that the Library doesn't have -- we want to support your Social Welfare research! Journals are more costly and require more investigation -- and perhaps the cancellation of a less important title -- but please let me know. And of course, in the meantime, we can get you whatever you need (free to you!) via Interlibrary Borrowing.

Need Tech Support?

Help is available to all UCB students -- by appointment or phone, or bring your device to the closest help desk!

Free (to UCB) software!

Do you have all the fabulous software that you're entitle to as a Berkeley student or staff member? 

Research Data Management Support

conceptual model of research data management at berkeley


See for more information.