Legal Studies focuses on the factors influencing the development of law and justice, including legal institutions and the legal process, from a social science perspective. The courses deal with a wide variety of subjects, including philosophy of law, American legal history, non-western legal traditions, politics and law, the criminal justice process, property law, and economic regulation.
Search UC Library Search for books in all campus libraries EXCEPT the Law Library; and for articles and other materials.
Try the "BOOKS + ARTICLES" search tab on the Law Library home page to search both the Law Library catalog and a collection of full text article databases focused on law and related topics.
Although many databases are already included in UC Library Search, you may also wish to browse a list of Legal Studies databases available to UCB students, staff and faculty, or the list of all library databases A-Z; see also the "Article Databases" tab.
The UC Berkeley Library maintains a research-level collection in legal studies to support not only the department's teaching programs, but many other disciplines, interdisciplinary programs, and professional schools. Many of the Library's social science and humanities collections also inform legal studies research. The Library also maintains a basic Law collection and relies on the Law Library to maintain the research-level Law collection.
The Legal Studies and Law collection (Library of Congress Call # range K-KZ) is housed in the Gardner (Main) Stacks. The North Reading Room on the 2nd floor of Doe house reference collections in social sciences and government documents. Several subject specialty libraries including Social Research, Biosciences and Public Health, Ethnic Studies, Institute for Governmental Studies, and Business also possess collections highly relevant to legal studies - search UC Library Search to find library locations.
The Law Library maintains a research-level legal collection of primary and secondary materials related to the study and practice of law and has strict access and circulation limitations. UCB undergrads who obtain an access pass are welcome to use the collection for research purposes only, but borrowing materials from the Law Library collection is not available to any undergrads
Select the image below to see the full campus library map.
See also: