Search social sciences indexes on the ProQuest platform.
An interdisciplinary metasearch through 22 of the the social sciences indexes on the ProQuest platform. Includes EconLit, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, PAIS, PsycInfo, Sociological Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts and more.
Access to this resource has been discontinued effective 6/30/24 due to library budget cuts.
Index of publications in the fields of economics, political science, sociology and anthropology from over 100 countries. [1981 - present]
More than 70 languages are represented, with 30% percent of records published in languages other than English.
Once you've searched an index to find articles, you may need to use Get it at UC to link to a PDF or html file if the full text is not immediately available. Each database is a bit different, but a good rule of thumb is:
Start your search here to find books, articles and more from the Law Library and a selection of law and related fields.
If an article is relevant to your topic, you want to look at the research it cited (backward citation). But it can also be very helpful to see who has cited it (forward citation). There are several different ways to do this, and the results will overlap -- no single method is comprehensive.
Google Scholar provides forward citations for some articles. It has a broader range of documents included (not just peer reviewed journals, but reports, pre-prints, etc.) and doesn't eliminate self citation or de-duplicate the results.
Web of Science is a vast, multidisciplinary database, which includes the Social Science Citation Index. This index allows you to do a "Cited Reference" search if you select that tab. This will retrieve other articles (from a prestigious list of peer reviewed journals) which have cited the target article, and it also shows the references for the the original article... both forward and backward citation.