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1 Education: Writing / Citing

Resources for research in education and related fields

Managing citations

For tips on using citation management software (Zotero, RefWorks, Mendeley, EndNote, etc.), see the Manage Your Citations guide

Citation & Style Help

Style Guides

Writing Help @UCB

Scholarly Communication & Information Policy

OA lockScholarly Communication & Information Policy can help you with all your scholarly communication and publishing questions and needs.  Visit their website, or reach out to for help with questions on topics, including:
  • Copyright in research, publishing & teaching
  • Authors’ rights, and protecting & managing your intellectual property
  • Scholarly publishing options and platforms
  • Open access for scholarship and research data
  • Tracking & increasing scholarly impact
  • Affordable and open course content 
Scholarly Communication & Information Policy provides the following services:
  • Individualized support & personal consultations
  • In-class and online instruction
  • Presentations and workshops for small or large groups & classes
  • Customized support and training for each department and discipline
  • Online guidance and resources

The Politics of Citation

"One of the feminist practices key to my teaching and research is a feminist practice of citation."

From The Digital Feminist Collective, this blog post emphasizes the power of citing.

"Acknowledging and establishing feminist genealogies is part of the work of producing more just forms of knowledge and intellectual practice."

Here's an exercise (docx) to help you in determining how inclusive you are when citing.

Additional Resources for Inclusive Citation Practices:

  • BIPOC Scientists Citation guide (Rockefeller Univ.).
  • Conducting Research through an Anti-Racism Lens (Univ. of Minnesota Libraries).
  • cleanBib (Code to probabilistically assign gender and race proportions of first/last authors pairs in bibliography entries).
  • Balanced Citer (Python script guesses the race and gender of the first and last authors for papers in your citation list and compares your list to expected distributions based on a model that accounts for paper characteristics).
  • Cite Black Women Collective; in particular, their 5 Guiding Principles:
    1. Read Black women's work;
    2. Integrate Black women into the CORE of your syllabus (in life & in the classroom);
    3. Acknowledge Black women's intellectual production;
    4. Make space for Black women to speak;
    5. Give Black women the space and time to breathe.
  • CiteASista.