ERIC - Educational Resource Information Center -
Topics covered include all levels of education and all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education, and testing. Indexes books, journals, reports, proceedings, statistical data, tests, dissertations, audiovisual materials, and ERIC documents on education research and practice. [1966 - present].
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) is the world's most widely used index to educational-related literature. Content includes:
Full-text: includes many full-text documents or links to full text via UC-eLinks.
Coverage: 1966 - current
Grey literature: indexes grey literature content published by 1,057 selected centers, agencies, programs, associations, non-profit organizations, and initiatives. To see a current list of these non-journal sources on the ERIC website.
ERIC documents that are not available online are available on microfilm. The UC Berkeley ERIC microfilm collection is stored at the Northern Regional Library Facility (NRLF) and are discoverable via UC Library Search. Search by ERIC number.
Example: Advanced Search -> Call Number contains -> ED476871
Items can then be requested from NRLF via the REQUEST feature.
Use the thesaurus to find subject terms to narrow or broaden your search. ERIC uses a controlled vocabulary (or ERIC descriptors) that may help you find more relevant, precise results.
For example, entering the following phrases in the thesaurus search term box leads the user to a more commonly used or precise ERIC descriptor:
ERIC also adds many additional indexes that allows users to get more precise results. Some of the indexes that users can search on include:
When you enter a search you will retrieve a results page. Some features to look out for on the results page: