FIND BOOKS for an in-depth discussion of your precedent. Note that for many topics you will not find an entire book; instead, you may find a chapter or an essay in a book focused on a general aspect of your precedent (refer to your deconstruction list for ideas). Example: a book on urban parks might include information about Golden Gate Park.
FIND ARTICLES for current and retrospective information. Use PERIODICAL INDEXES to identify articles within periodical and newspaper titles.
In the Library's catalogs use keywords or subject headings to search for title, subject, author, or corporate author.
Here is a selection of indexes that are especially helpful for landscape architecture research. When searching for your precedent, remember to use truncation or wildcards (* or ?) for variations of words (e.g., park*)
Indexes publications in the fields of archaeology, architecture, art history, city planning, computer graphics, crafts, film, folk art, graphic arts, industrial design, interior design, landscape architecture, museology, painting, photography, sculpture, television, textiles, and video. [1929-1984]
Citations to journal articles, and more. [1971 - present]