The Library subscribes to hundreds of databases. Consult the A-Z Databases list to see them. Search for or browse online resources by subject (broad academic disciplines) or by database type (article databases, book and film reviews, statistics and numeric data, etc.)
Search social sciences indexes on the ProQuest platform.
Dissertations and Theses (Dissertation Abstracts) Full Text: indexes dissertations from over 1,000 North American, and selected European, graduate schools and universities from 1861 to the present. Full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997.
UC Berkeley dissertations: Go to UC Library Search and look up authors. Also helpful to see dissertations written in your department which you can do by doing a subject or keyword search:
Recent UC Berkeley dissertations are freely available online to anyone, anywhere with access to the internet.
Also see Find Dissertations and Theses for other specialized sources.
If an article is relevant to your topic, it can be very helpful to see who has cited it. There are several different ways to do this, and the results will overlap -- no single method is comprehensive.