UC Library Search is the University of California’s unified discovery and borrowing system.
Access it directly or from the Library's homepage to find most UC books, articles, media, archival collections, and more.
See the UC Library Search user guide and ask for research help 24/7 for more information.
Software @ Berkeley: identify and access campus licensed software available to all students, faculty, & staff. https://software.berkeley.edu/home and see the complete Software Catalog.
Berkeley Student Technology Services (STS): provides free tech support for all students at UC Berkeley.
Statistical Consulting: schedule free consulting for advice at any stage of your research and data analysis.
For off-campus access to databases and online journals, drag this EZ Proxy bookmarklet to your browser bookmark toolbar. Then, click on it when you land on a licensed library resource (i.e. hit a paywall).
Email: Email your research questions to the Library.
Appointments: Schedule a 30-minute research meeting with a librarian.
Find a subject librarian: Find a library expert in your specific field of study.
Research guides on your topic: Learn more about resources for your topic or subject.