The exhibit also features books about or by the women featured in this Great Women of Mathematics poster.
Click on their names for more information about them from the Biographies of Women Mathematicians site at Agnes Scott College.
Maria Gaetana Agnesi (1718-1799)
Italian mathematician, philosopher, theologian and humanitarian
Book on Display
A biography of Maria Gaetana Agnesi, an eighteenth-century woman mathematician / Antonella Cupillari, QA29.A28 C87 2007 - Main (Gardner) Stacks
Other Books
The world of Maria Gaetana Agnesi, mathematician of God / Massimo Mazzotti, QA29.A28 M39 2007 - Math/Stat Library
Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace (1815-1852)
English mathematician and writer
Book on Display
The thrilling adventures of Lovelace and Babbage / Sydney Padua, PN6737.P34 T48 2015 - Engineering Library
Other Books
Ada : a life and a legacy / Dorothy Stein, QA29.L72 S741 1985 - Main (Gardner) Stacks
Ada's algorithm : how Lord Byron's daughter Ada Lovelace launched the digital age / James Essinger, QA29.L72 E87 2014 - Engineering Library
The calculating passion of Ada Byron / Joan Baum, QA29.L72 B381 1986 - Math/Stat Library
Sofia Kovalevskaya (1850-1891)
Russian mathematician who made noteworthy contributions to analysis, partial differential equations, and mechanics
Book on Display
The mathematics of Sonya Kovalevskaya / Roger Cooke, QA300.C65 1984 - Math/Stat Library
Other Books
A convergence of lives : Sofia Kovalevskaia, scientist, writer, revolutionary / Ann Hibner Koblitz, QA29.K67 K6 1983 - Math/Stat Library
Little sparrow : a portrait of Sophia Kovalevsky / Don H. Kennedy, QA29.K67 .K46 1983 - Math/Stat Library
Love and mathematics : Sofya Kovalevskaya / Pelageya Kochina; edited by A. Yu. Ishlinsky and Z.K. Sokolovskaya; translated from the Russian by Michael Burov, QA29.K67 K63131 1985 - Math/Stat Library
A Russian childhood / Sofya Kovalevskaya; translated, edited, and introduced by Beatrice Stillman; with an analysis of Kovalevskaya's Mathematics by P. Y. Kochina, QA29.K67 A3513 - Math/Stat Library
Euphemia Lofton Haynes (1890-1980)
First African-American woman to earn a PhD in mathematics
Book on Display
Determination of sets of independent conditions characterizing certain special cases of symmetric correspondences / Euphemia Lofton Haynes, QA603.H3 - NRLF
Other Books
Change is possible : stories of women and minorities in mathematics (p.93-99) / Patricia Clark Kenschaft, QA10.5 .K46 2005 - Math/Stat Library [on exhibit]
Hypatia of Alexandria
Greek mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher in Egypt in 4th & 5th Century
Book on Display
Hypatia of Alexandria : mathematician and martyr / Michael A.B. Deakin, QA29.H88 D43 2007 - Main (Gardner) Stacks
Other Books
Hypatia of Alexandria / Maria Dzielska; translated by F. Lyra, B667.H84 D95 1995 - Main (Gardner) Stacks
Sophie Germain (1776-1831)
French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher
Book on Display
Prime mystery : the life and mathematics of Sophie Germain / Dora E. Musielak, QA29.G47 M87 2015 - Math/Stat Library
Other Books
Sophie Germain : an essay in the history of the theory of elasticity / Louis L. Bucciarelli and Nancy Dworsky, QA931 .B77 - Math/Stat Library
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)
English social reformer, nurse, and statistician
Book on Display
Florence Nightingale : the making of an icon / Mark Bostridge, RT37.N5 B67 2008 - Main (Gardner) Stacks
Other Books
Nightingales : the extraordinary upbringing and curious life of Miss Florence Nightingale / Gillian Gill, RT37.N5 G556 2004 - Main (Gardner) Stacks
No place for ladies : the untold story of women in the Crimean War / Helen Rappaport, DK215.95 .R37 2007 - Main (Gardner) Stacks
Emmy Amalie Noether (1882-1935)
German mathematician known for her landmark contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics
Book on Display
Emmy Noether's wonderful theorem / Dwight E. Neuenschwander, QC174.17.S9 N48 2011 - Physics Library
Other Books
Emmy Noether, 1882-1935 / Auguste Dick; translated by H. I. Blocher, QA29.N6 .D513 - Math/Stat Library
Gesammelte Abhandlungen = Collected papers / Emmy Noether; herausgegeben von N. Jacobson, QA3 .N632 1983 - Math/Stat Library
Mary Cartwright (1900-1998)
British mathematician
Book on Display
Integral functions / Mary Lucy Cartwright, QA351.C34 - NRLF
Other Books
Cambridge scientific minds (p.282-298) / edited by Peter Harman and Simon Mitton, Q141 .C1283 2002 - Main (Gardner) Stacks [on exhibit]
Katherine Johnson (1918- )
African-American physicist and mathematician who made contributions to the US space program
Books on Display
Hidden figures : the American dream and the untold story of the Black women mathematicians who helped win the space race / Margot Lee Shetterly, QA27.5.L44 2016 - Main (Gardner) Stacks
Black women scientists in the United States (p.140-147) / Wini Warren, Q141 .W367 1999 - Main (Gardner) Stacks [on exhibit]