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Social Welfare 220: Introduction to Social Welfare Policy: Policy - CA

California Legislation, Cases, Ballot Initiatives


Agency Reports

California agency reports can also be a useful source for information. The Agency Reports Search lets you search by keyword and see what agencies are working in a particular area. For example, foster youth turns up the Foster Youth Services Program, searching on that leads to their Reports and Publications, including the most recent Report to the Governor and Legislature.

Searching Nexis Uni

  1. Use truncation (wildcard) to search different forms of the word (child* retrieves child, child's, children)
  2. Use 'proximity connectors' -- w/[number], for example (youth or adolescent or teen*) w/25 homeless*. (You can also use w/s for within sentence, or w/p for within paragraph but you can't also combine these with the number of words.)
  3. Use the filters on the left to restrict to jurisdiction, time period, type of sources, etc.

Nexis Uni

Nexis Uni (formerly Lexis Nexis) lets you search across -- and then limit by -- a variety of sources including law reviews, State and Federal cases, statutes, administrative regulations, and much more.