Market research on heavy industry, including energy, chemicals, instruments, and aerospace.
Industries include: Aerospace and Defense; Automotive and Transportation; Chemicals, Materials and Food; Electronics and Security; Energy and Power Systems; Environment and Building Technologies; Healthcare; Industrial Automation and Process Control
A statistics portal that integrates data from reliable sources on thousands of topics
Categorized into market sectors, Statista provides access to quantitative facts on media, business, politics, and other areas. Sources of information include market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government sources. Data may be downloaded into spreadsheets and presentations. Also includes industry reports.
Macroeconomic, financial, industry, and company news and analysis on emerging and key global markets. [2011 - present] Note: This resource requires you to login with your CalNet.
Provides quarterly, updated market forecast reports on 14 industry sectors in 55 countries. Industries covered include: Automotives, Chemicals, Banking, Defence and Security, Retail Food and Drink, Freight Transport, IT, Infrastructure, Insurance, Oil and Gas, Petrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Telecommunications and Media, and Tourism. There is also a database of 65,000 multinational company subsidiaries and company profiles.
Industry research reports and profiles for hundreds of United States industries.
Also includes reports on global industries as well as industries in China. Data include market size, market share, major players, and industry trend analysis.
S&P Capital IQ Pro, formerly known as SNL Energy and S&P Market Intelligence, can be accessed by clicking "S&P Capital IQ Pro" in the upper right after logging in
Replaces UC Berkeley's NetAdvantage subscription. If this link takes you to NetAdvantage instead of a login page for S&P, try restarting your browser, clearing your cache, or opening in an incognito browser.
A global news database with a business focus. Includes company and industry indexing terms.
Includes the exclusive combination of The Wall Street Journal (1979-present), the Financial Times, Dow Jones and Reuters newswires and the Associated Press, as well as Reuters Fundamentals, and Bureau van Dijk company profiles.
Large index of peer-reviewed, scholarly business journals as well as industry trade publications. Searching for engineering terms in this business index can lead you to articles about the business and management of technology.
Indexing, abstracts, and (in many cases) the full text of articles for the most important scholarly business journals as well as popular and trade magazines and newsletters.
SAGE curates interdisciplinary cases on subjects such as entrepreneurship, accounting, healthcare management, leadership, social enterprise, and more. Includes the Berkeley-Haas Case Series, Yale School of Management, and other case study providers in addition to SAGE originals.
Includes the Berkeley-Haas Case Series, Yale School of Management, and other case study providers in addition to SAGE originals.