The communication of scientific research results through articles, books, and other forms of writing can be thought of as a kind of conversation. Citing your sources:
Citation managers (also called reference managers or bibliographic management software) offer a way to save, organize and manage references. Many work with word processing software to format in-text citations and bibliographies for papers and theses, allow you to share references, and enable you to attach or link PDFs to a citation record.
Citation managers supported by the UC Berkeley Library:
For additional options: Wikipedia comparison of reference management software
Citations should include enough information to enable someone else to find your source. The basic elements of a citation to an article include:
Try this example:
Freeman LA, Kleypas JA, Miller AJ. 2013. Coral reef habitat response to climate change scenarios. PLoS ONE 8: e82404. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082404
Click on the "Find an article using a DOI" link above, copy and paste the DOI into the "Resolve a DOI" box, and click "Go." (Don't include the characters "doi:") Were you able to access this article?
A citation style is a specific way in which the elements of a citation are combined and formatted. There are hundreds of different citation styles.
The following examples provide in-text and reference list citations to the same journal article in each of three citation styles: AMA (American Medical Association), APA (American Psychological Association), or CSE (Council of Science Editors):
In-text citation: Residential segregation impacts the ecology of urban landscapes.1
Reference list citation:
1. Schell CJ, Dyson K, Fuentes TL, et al. The ecological and evolutionary consequences of systemic racism in urban environments. Science. 2020;369(6510):eaay4497. doi:10.1126/science.aay4497.
Guide: Purdue OWL: AMA Style
Guide: AMA Manual of Style: Minimum Acceptable Data for References
In-text citation: Residential segregation impacts the ecology of urban landscapes (Schell et al., 2020).
Reference list citation:
Schell, C. J., Dyson, K., Fuentes, T. L., Des Roches, S., Harris, N. C., Miller, D. S., Woelfle-Erskine, C. A., & Lambert, M. R. (2020). The ecological and evolutionary consequences of systemic racism in urban environments. Science, 369(6510), eaay4497.
Guide: Purdue OWL: APA Style
CSE name-year
In-text citation: Residential segregation impacts the ecology of urban landscapes (Schell et al. 2020)
Reference list citation:
Schell CJ, Dyson K, Fuentes TL, Des Roches S, Harris NC, Miller DS, Woelfle-Erskine CA, Lambert MR. 2020. The ecological and evolutionary consequences of systemic racism in urban environments. Science. 369(6510):eaay4497.
Guide: UW-Madison Writing Center: Council of Science Editors Documentation Style