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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Earth & Planetary Science: Follow Diverse Voices

1. Follow diverse voices

Organizations and initiatives:

Find links and handles below to groups that formerly had a presence on Twitter. This list is no longer updated, but may serve as a suggested resource for follows on other platforms.

2. Search Strategies

Searching for resources about diversity, equity, inclusion, antiracism and similar topics as they relate to Earth Sciences can be frustrating. Consider constructing search strings that make use of Boolean operators (AND, OR), wildcards (divers* = diversity, diverse), and synonyms. The example below demonstrates how to refine your search strategy.

Example: Searching Web of Science for DEI articles in Earth Science

To recreate the example searches, click on the link to Web of Science below.

Search 1:

Search 2:

((geo* or earth science or geology or geoscience or "earth system science") and (inclusi* or divers* or minority or underrepresented)) ((("earth science" or geology or geoscience or "earth system science") and ((inclusi* or divers*)  AND  (minorit* or underrepresented or race) )))

Search various terms for earth or geoscience AND terms that are often used in DEI articles. 

Why did you get so many results? Hint: what does an "inclusion" refer to in geology?

What is different about this search?

32 is not many results, but they are more relevant and give you a starting point for further research.


3. Topic Alerts

Setting up alerts lets you track new research using specific search terms on your topic. Here are some options:

1. Web of Science

Returning to the search above, you can click on the "Create an alert" button to receive notifications when new articles are published.


2. Google Scholar

Try searching Google Scholar ( with this string: 

("earth science" or geology or geoscience or "earth system science") and (inclusion or diversity or minority or underrepresented or race)


4. Reference and Citation lists

Sometimes it's hard to search for and identify a satisfying set of results, but if you find at least one relevant article, you can start to follow the trail.

Consider this article, "The Geology of Mexico...." by Hammersley, et al.


1. Look at the a portion of the author(s)' reference list below. Find the complete list here. Who did they cite?


2. Now look at who has cited this article since its publication. The citations below are listed in Google Scholar, but you can follow a similar method at the journal itself or in other databases. Notice how those citing articles have been cited themselves. Continue to follow the trail.


5. Conference programs and abstracts

Conferences can be a great source to get a sense of who is working on DEI issues, particularly if they don't publish on them in more formal publications. 



6. Create your own content - Wikipedia

If you don't find what you need in the literature, consider adding your own words.

Continue to the page about Wikipedia to learn more about creating your own content.