Learn how to use Zotero with this self-paced Zotero tutorial, or attend an upcoming Zotero Workshop over Zoom.
Add the Ecology style to your Zotero by going to Preferences (under Zotero menu) - Cite - "Get additional styles." After you Sync, the Ecology style should be available to use in Google Docs or Word.
Note: If you already use a different citation manager (Mendeley, Refworks, etc.) and it's working for you, no need to switch to Zotero.
Since BIOSIS Previews (and all Web of Science databases) moved to a new interface, BIOSIS search results aren't recognized by the Zotero web importer (though the web importer does work with the Web of Science database). Here are a few workarounds:
Please let me know if you need any help with these options.
The Library has many books on scientific writing, the research process, and communicating science. Please ask if you would like help finding them!
See researchdata.berkeley.edu for more information.