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POLI SCI 2 Intro to Comparative Politics: HELP!

Wendy Muse Sinek

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Kiyoko Shiosaki

Politics & Social Policy Librarian

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Sarah Rosenkrantz

Research Advisory Service

Research Advisory Service for Cal Undergraduates

Book a 30-minute appointment with a librarian who will help refine and focus research inquiries, identify useful online and print sources, and develop search strategies for humanities and social sciences topics.

Schedule, view, edit or cancel your appointment online (CalNetID required)

Related Library Guides

The following are related Library guides that may provide additional sources of information.

Charlene Conrad Liebau Library Prize for Undergraduate Research

The Charlene Conrad Liebau Library Prize for Undergraduate Research recognizes excellence in undergraduate research projects that show evidence of significant inquiry using the library, its resources, and collections and learning about the research and information-gathering process itself.

  • Applications Accepted: Dec 2019 - April 2020
  • Prizes: $750 for lower-division and $1,000 for upper-division

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Writing Help

UC Berkeley offers several resources for students to obtain help writing a paper.  The Student Learning Center provides assistance with writing papers.  They also provide several Writing Worksheets which can help you plan and complete your writing projects.