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Posters, Presentations & Science Writing: Start

use this guide to create a successful science poster presentation.


The PURPOSE of a poster presentation is to create rapid, concise & visual communication of research. (Hoffman, 2010). This guide provides information on how to create a successful science poster & presentation.

USE these principles for EVERY step of preparation

  • CREATE an APPEALING DESIGN to draw attention.
  • ENGAGE your audience:
    ~ explain your research,
    ~ ask for feedback,
    ~ gather new ideas,
    ~ make research connections
  • RAPID: convey your research quickly and clearly
  • CONCISE: express your findings succinctly  
  • VISUAL: draw your audience in with design, figures, graphs, & illustrations.

Selected New Resources

Posters on the Web

F1000: Faculty of 1000
Flickr: Poster Sessions
ePosters: online library of scientific posters
Better Posters blog
Designing Conference Posters by Colin Purrington


This poster is by Emily Austen. Source: Better Posters