Finds chemical structures and their associated information. Search by structure, substructure, names, CAS RN, InChI, properties, data source, elements, and more.
Promotes understanding about the effects of environmental chemicals on human health by integrating data from curated scientific literature to describe chemical interactions with genes and proteins, and associations between diseases and chemicals, and diseases and genes/proteins.
Locate single chemical toxicity data for aquatic life, terrestrial plants and wildlife [1972 - present]
Contains 472,705 records of single chemical toxicity information for aquatic and terrestrial life. Data is extracted from primarily peer-reviewed sources.
IRIS provides data on human health effects that may result from exposure to substances found in the environment. It includes chronic health hazard assessments for noncarcinogenic effects, including RfD and RfC, and carcinogenicty assessments for lifetime exposures.
A source of reference information on chemicals, drugs and biologicals for the physical, life, and health sciences.
Includes more than 11,000 entries for single substances and related groups of compounds covering: chemical, generic, and brand names; CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) registry numbers; physical data and literature references; structures and stereochemistry; toxicity information; and therapeutic uses. (Merck Index, Fifteenth edition)
Pharos provides hazard, use, and exposure information on chemicals and building products. NOTE: You must first register for an account using the link here and your Berkeley email address.
Search by chemical name/CAS RN, or use (for example: flooring, solvent, etc.). Pharos also includes Hazard Lists (authoritative scientific lists for health and environmental hazards and restricted substance lists), as well as Common Products (common contents and hazards of different kinds of building products).
Contains the chemical structures of small organic molecules and information on their biological activities. PubChem's chemical structure database may be searched on the basis of descriptive terms, chemical properties, and structural similarity. You may search for unique chemical structures or deposited structure records using text terms such as names, synonyms, keywords, or depositor-supplied identifiers, and for bioassay records using text terms from the bioassay description.
Information on toxic chemical releases and other waste management activities reported annually by certain covered industry groups as well as federal facilities." TRI lists amounts of accidental and intentional releases, including covert releases when known, of certain chemicals released to the environment.
Air quality data collected at outdoor monitors across the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U. S. Virgin Islands. Can download data and create graphical displays.
Many datasets of air temperature worldwide, from the 18th century to the present. Berkeley Earth also has tables of the most and least polluted cities worldwide.
Data about environmentally regulated sites and facilities in California. Includes hazardous materials and waste, state and federal cleanups, impacted ground and surface waters, and toxic materials. Data export to csv.
Contains data from academic, industrial and governmental laboratories that is of interest to environmental health scientists. CEBS is designed to display data in the context of biology and study design, and to permit data integration across studies for novel meta analysis. CEBS can be searched by data type, substance of interest, tumor characteristics, or histopathology.
Includes data from local, state and international governments and organizations. Subject categories include criminal justice, education, energy, food and agriculture, government, health, labor and employment, natural resources and environment, and more. Datasets are customizable, allowing you to select variables of interest such as age, gender, and race.
Offers easy access to over 5,550 data sets from over 65 source providers and 16 subject categories, including banking, criminal justice, education,energy, food and agriculture, government, health, housing and construction,industry and commerce, labor and employment, natural resources and environment, income, cost of living, stocks, transportation, and more. Sources of data include federal, local, state and international governments and organizations. Allows for customization of the data by selecting subjects, and the ability to view your data in side-by-side tables, charts and maps.
The EQI pulls data from five domains: air, water, land, built, and sociodemographic environments to provide a county-by-county snapshot of overall environmental quality across the entire U.S. This data can then be used to highlight associations between environmental quality and a given health concern. Map layers and data available for download.
Data by facility on greenhouse gas emissions. Information on gas released (CO2, N2O, etc.); source, type of fuel; and more. Can search by county, state, facility, year, etc.
Annual data summaries, indexed by chemical or by commodity. The summaries include analyses of pesticide use trends and are available from 1989 to present.
Tracking California makes environmental health data and information publicly available through a web-based data query system, data displays, and web tools and services. Data available on asthma, drinking water, lead poisoning, pesticides, and more.
Access data stored in three large water quality databases: NWIS (USGS); WQX (formerly STORET; EPA); WQX (EPA).
Researching Chemical Substances?
Use this Chemical Search Guide (docx) to find chemical and substance information for your chemical search. The guide includes links to resource suggestions for locating various aspects of your chemical or substance.
Pharos provides hazard, use, and exposure information on chemicals and building products. NOTE: You must first register for an account using the link here and your Berkeley email address. Search by chemical name/CAS RN, or use (for example: flooring, solvent, etc.). Pharos also includes Hazard Lists (authoritative scientific lists for health and environmental hazards and restricted substance lists), as well as Common Products (common contents and hazards of different kinds of building products).
Search by chemical name/CAS RN, or use (for example: flooring, solvent, etc.). Pharos also includes Hazard Lists (authoritative scientific lists for health and environmental hazards and restricted substance lists), as well as Common Products (common contents and hazards of different kinds of building products).
Data and maps on infectious diseases and outbreaks: history, geographic spread, and treatment. It also includes a visualization tool to create charts, and a differential tool to assist in diagnosis. Updated daily.
Epidemiological data going back to 1348 AD, covering 230+ countries and territories. Over 28,000 outbreaks, 39,000+ graphs, and 100,000+ surveys. Includes interactive tools to identify 2,000+ pathogens, diagnose and compare 360+ infectious diseases, as well as to explore the properties of 30,000+ trade names of drugs and vaccines. The application is updated every day by a team of highly regarded medical scientists.
Works at the intersection of the social, natural, and information sciences, and specializes in online data and information management, spatial data integration, and interdisciplinary research related to human interactions in the environment. Links to a variety of datasets.
The UN Environment Open Data portal allows users to search information by thematic area, donor, geographic location, project status (ongoing/completed), or obtain an overview of project funding.
A statistics portal that integrates data from reliable sources on thousands of topics
Categorized into market sectors, Statista provides access to quantitative facts on media, business, politics, and other areas. Sources of information include market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government sources. Data may be downloaded into spreadsheets and presentations. Also includes industry reports.
Covers biodiversity, emissions, and pollution. Other environmental indicators are under Agriculture & Rural Development, Energy & Mining, Infrastructure, and Urban Development. Can graph, map, and download datasets.