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South Asia Studies

Bangladesh river and boat

Where to Start

Map of South Asia

This guide connects you with South Asia Studies scholarly sources.


Use the General Tools and Sources below to find a variety of sources.


Use the left navigation tabs to find specific types of sources.

General Tools and Sources

These tools are recommended for finding general resources and for starting your research.


UC Library Search is the University of California's unified discovery and borrowing system.

Venn diagram about what UC Library Search includes

Access UC Library Search directly or from the Library homepage to find most (what isn't included?) books, articles, media, archival collections, and more from: 

  • UC Berkeley
  • Other UC Libraries
  • WorldCat (select Advanced Search, then WorldCat)




A-Z Databases is the full list of UC Berkeley database subscriptions. Access it from The Library homepage. To find South Asia resources in A-Z Databases, select the subject "South Asian Studies".



Department of South and Southeast Asia logoThe Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies offers degree programs in history, religion, and cultural and textual traditions. Its faculty represent specialties in historical periods ranging from classical to modern, literature, and religious studies, performing research in India, Pakistan, Tibet, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines.


Institute of South Asian Studies logoThe Institute for South Asia Studies (ISAS) is "one of the world's leading institutes for research and programs on South Asia, the Institute for South Asia Studies (ISAS) at the University of California, Berkeley works with faculty members, graduate students, community members, private institutions, and non-profit organizations to deepen understanding of the region and to create new generations of scholars of South Asia."

South/Southeast Asia LibraryLocated in Doe Library (Room 120), The South/Southeast Asia Library (S/SEAL) provides:

  • Quiet study spaces
  • Comfortable seating
  • Many electrical outlets
  • Large study tables
  • Several study carrels
  • A public computer
  • A public scanner.