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U.S. Data and Statistical Sources: Business and Economic

Provides access to federal statistics on various subjects and topic areas.

Free Public Access to Government Information

Free public access to United States government documents in a federal depository library is guaranteed by law (44 USC §1911).  While UC Berkeley houses one of the most comprehensive collections of U.S. government documents in the country, the Library is one of over a thousand Federal Depository Libraries across the United States, and one of several Federal Depository Libraries in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Current Population Survey

The Current Population Survey (CPS) is one of the oldest, largest, and most well-recognized surveys in the United States and provides information on employment, earnings, and education. The CPS has been done by the Census and Department of Labor since the 1940's (earlier reports done by the Department of Labor go back to the 1930's). Sometimes, the older reports are called "Special Census."  Also be sure to check out the various supplements done each month. You can also find many of reports in UC Search by searching Current Population Survey or Special Census. 

News from the BEA

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Economic Statistics and Data

  •  Business and Economic Data available.

Business and Economic Information from the U.S. Census

In addition to providing a wealth of household economic information (rent/mortgage, income, etc),  the Census Bureau also conducts various other surveys relating to economic issues.  Older, print versions of these reports can be found by searching UC Search for the title, or year and title (such as the 2002 Economic Census).