How to find articles, books, conference proceedings, dissertations, protocols, data and citation management tools, and other resources in Molecular and Cell Biology.
Genomes and predicted metabolic pathways for thousands of organisms, together with a suite of software tools for analysis and visualization. Login to a free personal account is required after 10 searches.
Pathway/Genome Databases (PGDBs) are generated by software that predict the metabolic pathways of completely sequenced organisms, predict which genes code for missing enzymes in metabolic pathways, and predict operons. BioCyc also integrates information from other bioinformatics databases, such as protein feature and Gene Ontology information from UniProt. The BioCyc website provides a suite of software tools for database searching and visualization, for omics data analysis, and for comparative genomics and comparative pathway questions.
Tools for the analysis and functional characterization of publicly available genomes of plants, fungi, and microbes, as well as environmental metagenomes.
A federally-supported collection of more than 40 databases and analysis tools for research in molecular biology, including Assembly, Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), BioProject, BioSample, Gene, Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), Genome, Nucleotide, Protein, Structure, and the Sequence Read Archive (SRA). NCBI Guide
Protein information for species including human, mouse, rat, yeast, worm, and plant, including links to relevant scientific literature. Human entries include associated disease information.
Provides genomic, phenotypic and population-centric data for invertebrate vectors of human pathogens. Sponsored by NIAID-BRC (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Bioinformatics Resource Center).
A consortium working to sequence the euchromatic genome of Drosophila melanogaster and to generate and maintain biological annotations of this sequence.
Genetic and molecular biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) is a database of genetic and molecular biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Data available from TAIR includes the complete genome sequence along with gene structure, gene product information, gene expression, DNA and seed stocks, genome maps, genetic and physical markers, publications, and information about the Arabidopsis research community.
Defines the descriptive vocabularies (ontologies) relating to gene function in order to standardize gene functional annotations. Functions are defined with respect to molecular activity, cellular component, and biological process. Formal ontologies have been defined for over 40,000 biological concepts.