Provides a comprehensive, multidisciplinary view of Latin American history and culture from prehistoric times to the present. Covers cultural issues and includes numerous biographical profiles of important figures in politics, letters and the arts.
Reference source to chronicle Pre-Hispanic, colonial, and modern Mesoamerica, defined as the lands stretching from Mexico to the southern tip of Central America.
The first comprehensive reference source to chronicle Pre-Hispanic, colonial, and modern Mesoamerica, defined as the lands stretching from Mexico to the southern tip of Central America. 600 articles encompassing the great civilizations of the pre-Columbian era (including the Olmec, Aztec, and Maya peoples) up through the colonial and postcolonial periods. The Encyclopedia covers art, archaeology, religious studies, anthropology, history, and historiography of the region in fully cross-referenced, signed articles by the leading scholars in the discipline. Online counterpart of the 3-volume print edition published in 2001.
Authoritative multidisciplinary research guides, including annotated bibliographies and encyclopedia entries, covering the humanities and social sciences.
Provides access to carefully selected articles and other reference sources in the following areas: African Studies, Anthropology, Atlantic History, Chinese Studies, Classics, Communication, Criminology, Education, Geography, International Law, International Relations, Islamic Studies, Linguistics, Medieval Studies, Military History, Music, Philosophy, Renaissance and Reformation, Social Work, Sociology, and Victorian Literature.
Provides bibliographic coverage of the published literature pertaining to Mesoamerica, including archaeology, art history, ethnography, ethnohistory, linguistics, physical anthropology, and related disciplines.
The geographical scope of Bibliografia Mesoamericana includes conventional coverage of Mesoamerica as a culture area. Specifically it includes most of Mexico, all of Belize and Guatemala, the western parts of El Salvador and Honduras, and the Pacific coastal regions of Nicaragua and Costa Rica to the Nicoya peninsula. Temporal coverage extends from the early sixteenth-century to the present. Bibliografia Mesoamericana is a joint project of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (FAMSI) and the Library of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia, PA.
Full text biliingual dictionaries including English to Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Online versions of the following titles: Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary, Oxford-Duden German Dictionary, Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary, Oxford Spanish Dictionary, and the Oxford Russian Dictionary.