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Global Studies 150Q: Immigration and Multiculturalism in Asia: News

Asian/Global News Databases

Asahi Kikuzo II. A full text database of Asahi Shinbun, one of the two major newspapers in Japan, from the inaugural issue in 1879 to present.

China Digital Library 中华数字书苑. A large collection of reference books, newspapers, images and statistical data, covering various subjects in Chinese studies 

Factiva. General and business news and information from sources in 22 languages, including local, national and international newspapers, business magazines, trade publications, and wires.

International Newstream. Articles from hundreds of newspapers worldwide, plus reports from media monitoring organizations which include broadcast and wire service content.

Japan Times Archives. Offers access to nearly 500,000 pages of English-language articles published in the Japan Times newspaper since the first issue in March 1897. [1897-2014].

Korean News Libguide. List of selected news sources from both North and South Korea.

People's Daily. A complete archive of the People's Daily, the leading newspaper in China. Provides a complete archive of the People's Daily, the leading newspaper in China, from the birth of the People's Republic of China to 2002.

South Asian Newspapers (from the World Newspaper Archive). Digitized historical collection of South Asian newspapers. A growing collection of South Asian newspapers.

The Times of India. Historical newspaper with articles in colonialism and post-colonialism, British and world history, class and gender, international relations, comparative religion, economics and more.

UDNDATA. A newspaper database of the United Daily News Group, the largest news group in Taiwan. Provides current, full-text articles for seven Chinese newspapers in Taiwan.

Yomidasu Rekishikan ヨミダス歴史館. Full text access to Yomiuri shibun 読売新聞 (1874-present) and Daily Yomiuri (1989-2013)/Japan News (2013/4-present).

WiseNews 慧科新闻资料库. Hundreds of newspapers from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other Asian countries. In Chinese and English

North American and UK Commonwealth News

Access World News. Full-text information and perspectives from over 600 U.S. and over 700 international sources. Offers strong regional coverage for California newspapers.

Alternative Press Index. Progressive, radical, and left North American magazines, newsletters, and journals.

Ethnic Newswatch. Over 200 ethnic, minority, and native press publications, including news, culture, and history topics

Fair Observer.  Nonprofit organization that aims to inform and educate global citizens.

Factiva. General and business news and information from sources in 22 languages, including local, national and international newspapers, business magazines, trade publications, and wires. 

Financial Times.  Access to the Financial Times from January 1998 to present. For historical access see the Financial Times Historical Archive which has the complete run of the daily Financial Times from 1888 through 2006.

New York Times.  Full-text coverage of the New York Times. For Historical issues see Historical Newspapers (ProQuest).

Nexis Uni. Full-text source for business, current affairs, legal information, medical information and news appearing in newspapers, journals, newsletters, broadcast transcripts, reference works and other documents.

ProQuest Newspapers. National and regional newspapers from across the U.S.  Includes New York Times (full text, Historical, 1881-1985, with Index, 1851-1993 + 1980-current). Los Angeles Times (full text, Historical, 1881-1985 + 1985-current). Wall Street Journal (full text, Historical, 1889-1995 + 1984-current).

Project Syndicate. Excellent collection of commentaries from some of the world's leading economists and opinions makers.