Unless you are very familiar with your topic it's a good idea to get some background first. Books often provide this so a search in UC Library Search for general works may be worth it. You can then proceed to find detailed information in journal articles.
Books and Ebooks may be located by searching UC Library Search - an integrated library platform of books and articles for the entire UC System. In addition we have many ebook packages that can also be searched and will sometimes host content before it is loaded into our local system.
Proquest Ebook Central.Our largest e-book collection, with thousands of titles on a wide range of subjects. Find them in OskiCat (keyword ebrary) or search the ebrary website directly. Some advanced ebrary features require downloading reader software.
Cambridge Core Ebooks. Selection of current e-books from Cambridge University Press. We do not have access to all content.
DeGruyter Ebooks Complete. Includes all English language ebooks except those published in print only; also includes DeGruyter Archive 1759 - 1999
Elsevier Science Direct. Includes ebooks in economics, finance and econometrics.
JSTOR. Full-text access to scholarly journals and now books from a wide range of disciplines. Current issues from journals (the most recent 3-5 years) are generally not available in JSTOR.
MIT Press Direct Ebooks. Collection of MIT Press ebooks (not all books are included).
OECD iLibrary. Full-text publications and data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), including country studies, reports, socioeconomic datasets, and health. The statistics sections include data in international trade, telecommunications, foreign aid, migration, and other categories.
Oxford Scholarship Online. Cross-searchable library containing the full text of books in many subjects, including economics and finance from 2008 to present (not all listed content is accessible).
Project Muse. Hundreds of ebooks and journals articles in the social sciences and humanities.
Springer Electronic Book Package. Thousands of e-books the commercial publisher Springer. in several of the social sciences, including Business and Economics. Also includes Palgrave titles.
Wiley Online Library. Thousands of online books and journal articles including many in the economics disciplines.
UC Library Search is the University of California's unified discovery and borrowing system.
Access it directly or from the Library homepage to find most UC books, articles, media, archival collections, and more.
See the UC Library Search User Guide and ask for research help 24/7 for more information.
Why use Google Books? Library catalogs (like UC Library Search don't search inside books; using a library catalog, you can search only information about the book (title, author, Library of Congress subject headings, etc.). Google Books will let you search inside books, which can be very useful for hard-to-find information. You can then use Google Books' Find in a Library link to locate the book in a UC Berkeley library, or search UC Library Search to see if UC Berkeley owns the book. Try it now: