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OOMPH Library Resources: Program Planning & Evaluation: The Program Planning Process

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Starting the Program Planning Process

Grants and Research Information
This is the Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library's guide to organizations providing grants and research support, including tips and tools, such as the Introduction to Proposal Writing (from the Foundation Center): an overview of how to write a standard project proposal to a foundation, including the "do's" and "don'ts" of writing and submitting a proposal, as well as information on proposal budgets.

Writing dissertation and grant proposals: epidemiology, preventive medicine and biostatistics, by Lisa Chasan-Taber. (2014; CRC Press)
Chapter One is Ten Top Tips for Successful Proposal Writing; other chapters discuss writing, literature searching, study design, data analysis, choosing a funding source, and more.

Evidence-Informed Decision Making in Public Health (from National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools, Canada)
This is part of an online learning module, and includes:

  1. Define: Clearly define the question or problem
  2. Search: Efficiently search for research evidence
  3. Appraise: Critically and efficiently appraise the information sources
  4. Synthesize: Interpret information and form recommendations for practice
  5. Adapt: Adapt the information to the local context
  6. Implement: Decide whether (and plan how) to implement the evidence
  7. Evaluate: Assess the effectiveness of implementation efforts

Below is a summary table of basic considerations for critical appraisal of intervention and prevention studies; these are especially useful to consider when reading intervention/prevention literature:

(based on Users' guides to the medical literature: a manual for evidence-based clinical practice)