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Global Development: Introduction

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See also:

Electronic Resource Finder

Our Databases A-Z listing is a complete directory of databases and information resources by subject (e.g. political science) type (e.g. encyclopedias) and other categories.

Catalogs and Search Engines

UC Library Search. Books, e-books, journal articles and other content in one integrated library platform for the entire UC System. Does not include content from some databases, numeric data, and other content. For more information on getting started please see this guide.

Google Scholar. Functions as both a key word database for articles and books. On campus it automatically connects to licensed content held by the UC libraries.

Google Books. Search the text of the books, view previews from books still in copyright, and read the full text of out-of-copyright books. 


Project Muse. Digitized scholarly journals and books in the humanities and social sciences. Topics include history, cultural studies, political science, gender studies, economics and others. 

Cambridge Core Ebooks. Selection of current e-books from Cambridge University Press. We do not have access to all content.

JSTOR.  Full-text access to scholarly journals and books from a wide range of disciplines. Current journals (the most recent 3-5 years) are generally not available in JSTOR

Oxford Scholarship Online. Cross-searchable library containing the full text of books in many subjects from 2008 to present.

Proquest Ebook Central. Our largest e-book collection, with thousands of titles on a wide range of subjects.

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