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Solar Access and Planning
Solar Heating & Photovoltaics
- CEPHEUS : Wohnkomfort ohne Heizung = Living comfort without heating / Herausgeber und Hauptautoren: Helmut Krapmeier, Eckart Drossler ; unter Mitwirkung von: Ignacio Martinez . [et al.] ; [Ubersetzungen:.Wien; New York : Springer, c2001.
- Comfort in any climate / [Michael Reynolds]. Taos, N.M. : Solar Survival Press, c2000.
- Passive solar commercial and institutional buildings : a sourcebook of examples and design insights / International Energy Agency; principal editor, S.R. Hastings. Chichester; New York : J. Wiley, c1994.
- The passive solar house / James Kachadorian. White River Junction, Vt. :Chelsea Green Pub. Co., c1997.
- Photovoltaics and architecture / edited by Randall Thomas. London ; New& York : Spon Press, 2001
- Photovoltaics in buildings : a design handbook for architects and engineers / principal editors, Friedrich Sick, Thomas Erge. London : James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd., c1996.
- Photovoltaics in the built environment : a design guide for architects and engineers / Washington, D.C. :U.S. Dept. of Energy, 1997.
- Practical photovoltaics: electricity from solar cells / Richard J. Komp; introduction by John Perlin. 3rd ed. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Aatec Publications, 1995.
- Solar heating systems for houses : a design handbook for solar combisystems / editor, Werner Weiss. London : James & James, c2003. Also ebook. A solar combisystem is the combination of domestic hot water preparation and space heating. This book was published in the UK, it offers current areas of practice and design, performance data, case studies with photos and drawing details.
- The solar house: passive heating and cooling / Daniel D. Chiras. White River Junction, Vt. : Chelsea Green Pub., c2002.
Energy, Solar, Photovoltaics
- Alternative energy systems in building design / Peter Gevorkian. 2010.
- Cutting the cost of cold: affordable warmth for healthier homes / edited by Janet Rudge & Fergus Nicol. 2000.
- Daylighting : architecture and lighting design / Peter Tregenza and Michael Wilson. 2011.
- An editor's and reporter's guide to solar energy in California : the forgotten solution to the energy crisis / David Bainbridge. San Diego, CA : United States International University, 2001.
- Energizing architecture : design and photovoltaics / Claudia Lüling, editor. 2009.
- Energy and climate in the urban built environment / edited by M. Santamouris ; authors, D.N. Asimakopoulos ... [et al.]. 2001.
- Energy and environment in architecture : a technical design / Nick Baker and Koen Steemers. 2000.
- Energy and resource efficiencies [videorecording] / [presented by] The American Institute of Architects.
- Energy Citations Database: (ECD) provides free access to 2 million+ science research citations, 1948 -- present, with regular updates. There are 140,000+ electronic documents from 1994 available via the database. Citations and documents are made publicly available by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). ECD includes scientific and technical research results in disciplines of interest to DOE such as chemistry, physics, materials, environmental science, geology, engineering, mathematics, climatology, oceanography, computer science and related disciplines. It includes bibliographic citations to report literature, conference papers, journal articles, books, dissertations, and patents.
- Energy conscious architecture / Carl Stein. 2001.
- Energy efficient buildings: architecture, engineering, and environment / Dean Hawkes and Wayne Forster. 1st American ed. 2002. Examines how energy efficiency can be enhanced by integrating advances in architecture and engineering the environmental function and performance of buildings in the twenty-first century. Includes case studies of projects.
- Energy manual: sustainable architecture / Manfred Hegger, et al. 2008.
- Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects / Norbert Lechner. 2009.
- Passive solar design strategies: guidelines for home building, San Francisco, California / Passive Solar Industries Council. 1998.
- The passive solar primer : sustainable architecture / David Wright. 2008.
- Photovoltaics and architecture / edited by Randall Thomas. 2001.
- Power with nature : alternative energy solutions for homeowners / Rex A. Ewing. 2006.
- Regional guidelines for building passive energy conserving homes [electronic resource] / by the AIA Research Corporation. Also available in print.
- Solar House : a guide for the solar designer / Terry Galloway. 2004.
- The solar economy: renewable energy for a sustainable global future / Hermann Scheer. London; Sterling, VA: Earthscan Publications, 2002.
- Solar energy in buildings : thermal balance for efficient heating and cooling / Dorota Chwieduk. 2014.
- Solar energy, technology policy, and institutional values / Frank N. Laird. 2001.
- The solar house : passive heating and cooling / Daniel D. Chiras. 2002.
- Solar power in building design [electronic resource] : the engineer's complete design reource / Peter Gevorkian. 2008.
- Solar radiation and daylight models : (with software available from companion web site) / T. Muneer ; with a chapter on solar spectral radiation by C. Gueymard and H. Kambezidis. Oxford ; Burlington, MA : Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, c2004 (revised edition).
- Sun, wind & light : architectural design strategies / G.Z. Brown, Mark DeKay ; illustrations, Virginia Cartwright, et al. 2001.
- Sustainability at the cutting edge: emerging technologies for low energy buildings / Peter F. Smith. 2003.
- Sustainable energy systems in architectural design: a blueprint for green building / Peter Gevorkian. 2006. Includes solar power systems and materials.
- Towards zero-energy architecture : new solar design / Mary Guzowski. 2010.