Industry research reports and profiles for hundreds of United States industries.
Also includes reports on global industries as well as industries in China. Data include market size, market share, major players, and industry trend analysis.
Worldwide consumer products statistics, forecasts, consumer lifestyles, demographics, trends, economics and other factors that affect product purchase.
Two dozen consumer products and services, including food and beverage, beauty and personal care, consumer appliances and electronics, pet care, toys and games, luxury goods, consumer finance, travel and tourism, and more.
Worldwide science and technology market analysis, technical insights and industry reports. Aerospace & Defense; Automotive & Transportation; Chemicals, Materials & Food; Electronics & Security; Energy & Power Systems; Environment & Building Technologies; Healthcare; Industrial Automation & Process Control; Information & Communication Technologies; and Measurement & Instrumentation.
Industries include: Aerospace and Defense; Automotive and Transportation; Chemicals, Materials and Food; Electronics and Security; Energy and Power Systems; Environment and Building Technologies; Healthcare; Industrial Automation and Process Control
IT industry research: hardware, software, cloud, IOT, etc. Available to currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff. Jointly funded by the University Library and Campus CIO.
Note: CalNet authentication required. Authentication automatically transmits the user's name to Gartner for account creation.
The Gartner Campus Access program provides faculty, students, and staff access to the authoritative Gartner research library which helps translate complex IT issues into comprehensive advice and meaningful analysis. Gartner is the global leader in providing accurate and current research for the IT industry. Topics include software, hardware, cloud computing, and Internet of Things, among others.
Detailed market research reports on products and consumers (predominantly UK and US markets — sporadic coverage of markets in some other countries). Categories covered: beauty, personal goods and toiletries; clothing, footwear and accessories; drink and tobacco; electrical goods; food and foodservice; health and wellbeing; holidays and travel; house and home; leisure time, lifestages; media, books, and stationery, personal finance; retail; and technology/telecoms. Reports discuss brand share, consumer preferences, market drivers, market size & trends, market segmentation, supply structure, advertising and promotion, retail distribution, consumer characteristics, and market forecasts.
Provides the fulltext of market research reports in these product categories: beauty, personal goods and toiletries; clothing, footwear and accessories; drink and tobacco; electrical goods; food and foodservice; health and wellbeing; holidays and travel; house and home; leisure time, lifestages; media, books, and stationery, personal finance; retail; and technology/telecoms. Reports cover specific product/country markets and discuss market drivers, market size & trends, market segmentation, supply structure, advertising and promotion, retail distribution, consumer characteristics, and market forecasts. Geographic emphasis is on the U.S. and Europe.
Business planning tool that looks at the characteristics of a given location in the US for building a business. Can look at national, state, county, zip code or tract level. Data on demographics, industry, workforce, consumer spending, housing, labor costs,export/import trade, etc. (from various US censuses and surveys, and ESRI for consumer spending.)
Statistics and reports on products and people worldwide.
Categorized into market sectors, Statista provides access to quantitative facts on media, business, politics, and other areas. Sources of information include market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government sources. Data may be downloaded into spreadsheets and presentations. Also includes industry reports.