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ITALIAN STUDIES: Giving to the Library

A library research guide

Giving to the Italian Studies Collection


Monetary Gifts: Endowments, Major Gifts, Memorial Gifts, Matching Gifts, Planned Gifts, Bequests, TrustsLight the Way: The Campaign for Berkeley

Berkeley’s world-class education and research depend on the ready access offered by the Library to a comprehensive record of human knowledge, together with the latest discoveries in every field of learning.

From rare and precious manuscripts to thousands of titles used in day-to-day research, the University Library’s Canadian collection supports students and faculty in Berkeley’s academic departments and programs. The holdings range from core collections housed in the Doe Library and Gardner Main Stacks to specialized research materials in our fourteen subject specialty libraries. Just as Berkeley’s academic programs consistently rank at the top among their peers worldwide, the Library's collections that support those departments are internationally renowned for their depth and breadth.

The University Library is seeking private support to maintain the excellence of its collections. The cost of building these collections has increased dramatically, due to spiraling book and journal costs, as well as to the declining value of the dollar. It is due, as well, to a burgeoning of new information - a dramatic rise in the number and specialization of journals, the availability of full text and searchable electronic versions of items previously held only in print, and the emergence of new genres of digital content.  

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Book Donations

Contribute Online or Contribute by Mail


Monetary Gifts

Financial support is very important to the future development and ongoing curation of the library's collections. Contributions provide funding for expensive resources, specialized equipment, conservation of rare books, and exhibits or special projects. Financial gifts may be unrestricted or support a specific library program, service, or collection. In addition to cash, the Library welcomes securities and other real or tangible property.

Endowments- Endowment funds may be established with a gift of $50,000 or more to support library collections, programs, projects or positions. These endowed funds provide the University Library, in perpetuity, with an annual income that ensures our collections and programs remain strong and vital regardless of the strength of state and campus budgetary support. Donors may choose to support specific programs, projects, or library materials in a discipline or area of the donor's choice. We encourage interested donors to contact us or the Library Development Office to discuss possible endowment opportunities.

Major Gifts - Significant contributions toward Library enhancements are welcomed and could include a recognition plaque or naming opportunities for improved areas, subject to campus approval procedures.

Memorial Gifts - Contributions given in memory or in honor of a person or to mark a special occasion are recognized with a bookplate and family members notified. For a gift of $1,000, a named memorial book fund can be established, and for gifts totaling $50,000 or more, a named memorial library endowment fund with its own special bookplate can be created.

Matching Gifts - Some firms match their employee's gifts to higher education. Ask your company's Matching Gifts Coordinator, or call 510/642-9377, and we will provide you with a list of companies with matching gift programs.

Planned Gifts - You may invest in the Library's future by including it in your estate plans without decreasing assets during your lifetime.

Bequests - The simplest method for a planned gift is to include the Library in your will. Bequests can take the form of cash, securities, or other property, and may be a specific sum or a stated percentage of the estate.

Trusts - A trust can be established to produce income for the donor or others during their lifetimes and ultimately provide future support for the Library. Cal's Gift Planning staff can provide assistance in determining an appropriate arrangement to meet your individual needs.

Book Donations

Gifts of scholarly materials and the results of research have historically represented a significant element in the development of Berkeley's outstanding research collections. We welcome individual gifts, but due to space and staff limitations, we must be judicious in accepting large contributions. Donations of recently published books are welcomed. New book purchases will be checked to ensure titles aren’t already on order.

Please contact library gifts coordinator Dirk Kennedy to discuss your donation of books.

Italian Studies Wish List

Please consider donating or underwriting the following items:

La cultura italiana / diretta da Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza. Torino: UTET, 2009. 12 v. (8000 p.) : col. ill. ; 30 cm. In-depth reference work, produced by UTET, one of Italy’s most prestigious publishers in the field, offers a complete and detailed analysis of all aspects of Italian culture from its ancient origins to the present day. 3.850,00 EUR
The following works have recently been acquired with generous support from Library donors:
Italian Reformation Online – Collection of primary texts from the Italian Reformation digitized from the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze. Selection of more than 100 rare works offers a synopsis and theological profile of the diversity of the printed manifestations of the Protestant Reformation in the Italian states. (Brill) [15th-17th centuries] acquired May 2017
Editoria Italiana Online (EIO) - Collection of more than 120,000 articles and parts of scholarly texts in Humanities and Social Sciences. 90 publishers contribute to the collection with more than 7,275 monographs and proceedings and 180 journals. A highly specialized database, entirely searchable and constantly enlarged, at disposal of scholars, researchers and students.  acquired January 2014
Leo S. Olschki e-book and e-journal archive - The complete e-book collection, comprising over 1000 titles, represents all monographs and conference proceedings published since 2000 by this important publisher. The e-journal achive includes all back files for journals such as Archivio storico italiano, Belfagor, Lares, Lettere italiane, Inventari dei manoscritti delle biblioteche d’Italia, Il pensiero politico, and more. acquired July 2014

Contribute Online

Donations can be made online using the Arts & Humanities Collection Fund Gift Form and designate that your gift is for the Italian Studies Collection.

Contribute by Mail

Please make checks payable to UC Regents and specify that it is for the Italian Studies Collection. Send along with any instructions regarding the donation to:

Claude H. Potts
Librarian for Romance Language Collections
438 Doe Library
University of California
Berkeley CA  94720-6000

tel: (510) 643-8966
email: cpotts [at] berkeley [dot] edu


For more information about giving to the Library, please contact the
The Library Development Office.