Before you begin your research, you might want to check out the Research 101 guide and the following points for basics (*licensed resource requiring authentication):
Here is a short list of useful resources for navigating through archives of web sites and databases--often not searchable with major search engines (*licensed resource requiring authentication):
Here is a short list of basic dictionaries for Japanese language (*licensed resource requiring authentication):
Here is a short list of Japanese historical dictionaries and guides to them:
Here is a short list of sources for checking biographical information of Japanese persons (*licensed resource requiring authentication):
Following resources are useful to locate citations for texts and translations (*licensed resource requiring authentication):
Following are selected sources that offer online texts:
Here is a short list of resources for statistics and other data on Japan (*licensed resource requiring authentication):
To use library databases from off campus you have to set up the proxy server: this changes your browser settings.
Reference managers (also called citation managers or bibliographic management software) offer a way to save, organize and manage references. Many work with word processing software to format in-text citations and bibliographies for papers and theses, allow you to share references, and enable you to attach or link PDFs to a citation record.
Wikipedia comparison of reference management software
If you are planning a research trip to Japan, you might want to bring with you a letter of introduction to access to Japanese libraries. Please contact Toshie Marra for more information.
You might also find the following research guides useful for preparion of your research trip to Japan: