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Art/Art History
- Art Platform Japan: Maintained by the Japan Contemporary Art Committee as a part of Bunka-cho Art Platform Japan Project; offers databases of resources and programs, showcasing information about contemporary art in Japan
- artscape: DNP Musueum Information Japan: A web magazine on art updated semi-monthly and run by Dai Nihon Insatsu
- Asahi Collection Kuchi-e Database 朝日コレクション口絵データベース: A database provided by the Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University for the Asahi Tomoo collection of kuchi-e prints from Japanese books originally published between mid-Meiji through Taisho periods
- Bijutsu jinmei kensaku 美術人名検索: Offers biographical information about 8,300 Japanese artists; provided by Shibunkaku
- ColBase: Integrated Collections Database of the National Museums, Japan: Offers searching system for holdings of four national museums in Japan, namely Tokyo National Museum, Kyoto National Museum, Nara National Museum, and Kyushu National Museum.
- Cultural Heritage Online = 文化遺産オンライン: Offers brief explanations and images of cultural assets registered by museums and related organizations in Japan under the auspices of the Agency for Cultural Affairs
- e-Kokuhō e国宝: Offers images and annotations on national treasures and important cultural properties owned by the national museums in Japan
- Fine Prints: Japanese, pre-1915 (Library of Congress): The Prints and Photographs Division houses more than 2,500 Japanese woodblock prints and drawings, dating from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries, by such artists as Hiroshige, Kuniyoshi, Sadahide, and Yoshiiku.
- Getty Research Portal: Japanese Art Exhibition Catalogues: 900+ art exhibition catalogues on Japanese art held by the Getty Research Institute and the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties. Japanese interface is available from here.
- Getty Vocabularies: Offers the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, the Cultural Objects Name Authority, the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names, the Union List of Artist Names, and the Categories for the Description of Works of Art
- Intānetto myūjiamu インターネットミュージアム = Internet museums: Provides information about 7,800 museums and their exhibitions in Japan
- Japanese Studies:Manga: Provided by Michiko Ito (Kansas University). This page collects Japanese websites on manga: i.e. Japanese comics or graphic novels. Although there are many websites which illegally upload copyrighted manga works, this online guide collects only authentic websites, operated by manga publishers and ebookstores.
- Kokuritsu Bijutsukan shozō sakuhin mokuroku kensaku shisutemu 国立美術館所蔵作品目録検索システム = Union catalog of the collections of the national art museums, Japan: Database of art works held by 東京国立近代美術館, 京都国立近代美術館, 国立西洋美術館, and 国立国際美術館
- Museum-net = 博物館 美術館ネットワーク: Provides classified access to various resources offered by museums in Japan
- Shashin genpan dētabēsu 写真原版データベース: The database provided by 日本写真保存センター offers information about the originals of over 22,000 photographic works by 200+ photographers and corporate entities.
- Tōbunken kenkyū shiryō dētabēsu kensaku shisutemu 東文研(東京文化財研究所)研究資料データベース検索システム: Offers various databases for searching books, articles, exhibitions, etc.
- World of the Japanese Illustrated Book: The Gerhard Pulverer Collection (Freer Gallery of Art/ Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution): Offers various resources, including essays and videos in addition to the images of illustrated books from the Pulverer Collection
Cinema/TV Drama
- Image Use Protocol: Finding Moving Images: NCC's IUP Task Force compiled this guide to access to various moving image resources, including free and commercial sites
- J-Film Pow wow
- Japanese Film Database (JFDB): JFDB is managed by the Japan Foundation and UNIJAPAN and provides information on Japanese films released between 2002 and 2010, including film cast and staff, or film industry related companies
- Japanese Film Resources Online (JFROL): An integrated database for locating film-related resources, including books, scenarios, stills, posters, etc. held by participating libraries
- Japanese Motion Pictures in the Library of Congress, Part 1: Fiction Films, 1921-1945: This guide compiled by Zoran Sinobad covers Library of Congress holdings of Japanese live action fiction (narrative) films produced from the 1920s to the end of World War II, including films made in Korea, Manchuria, and China under Japanese rule. Additional guides for film and television collections at LC's Moving Image Research Center are available here.
- Kawakita Kinen Eiga Bunka Zaidan dētabēsu 川喜多記念映画文化財団データベース検索: Database covers books and journals held by the institute; searchable by keywords from table of contents
- Kinema Club: A long-standing, international but informal group devoted to the study of Japanese moving image media for networking, sharing knowledge, and publishing research
- Kiroku eiga ākaibu purojekuto 記録映画アーカイブ・プロジェクト: Develops various activities for preserving documentary films
- Kiroku Eizō 記録映像.JP: Database of documentary films offered by 岩波映像, 記録映画保存センター, 桜映画社, 資料映像バンク, 日映映像, and 読売映像
- Kokuritsu Eiga Ākaibu 国立映画アーカイブ = National Film Archive of Japan (NFAJ): Formerly known as the National Film Center, which became independent from the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo in 2018. As the only national institution devoted for preservation and research of films in Japan, NFAJ offers various databases
- Midnight Eye: Visions of Japanese Cinema: A non-commercial, non-profit initiative; offers interviews, features, film reviews, and book reviews
- Motion Picture Reprint Series (Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan)
- Movie Walker: Database covers over 44,000 Japanese and foreign movies shown in Japan, including production date, names of directors, staff, and actors, annotations, and story
- NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation): Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai or NHK, as Japan's public broadcaster since 1950, produces and provide access to numerous programs
- Nihon eiga dētabēsu 日本映画データベース: Database of Japanese movies since 1899
- Nihon eiga jōhō shisutemu 日本映画情報システム = Japanese cinema database: Database of Japanese movies since 1896, provided by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan
- Screening the Past
- Shōchiku Otani Toshokan shozō kichō shiryō dejitaru ākaibu 松竹大谷図書館所蔵貴重資料デジタルアーカイブ: Several image databases of the resources on Japanese theaters owned by the Shōchiku Otani Library.
- Teikine 帝キネ (帝国キネマ演芸株式会社): A variety of resources related to Teikoku Kinema Engei Kabushiki Kaisha 帝国キネマ演芸株式会社 or Teikine were put together by Prof. Keiko Sasagawa (Kansai University)
- Terebi dorama dētabēsu テレビドラマデータベース = TV Drama Database: A database on Japanese TV drama since 1940. Contents provided by Furusaki Yasunari 古崎康成 and the database maintained by Q'z Creative Co., Ltd. A guide and additional links to useful resources are availabe here
- Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival
- Archives in the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo, Japan 1868-1945: A set of 2,116 microfilm reels containing the reproductions of over 2 million pages of archives of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the period 1868 to 1945 was made for the Library of Congress under the auspices of the Department of State in 1949-1951. The checklist is available in print and online and selected contents are available in microfilms at EAL under the following titles: Japan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1868-1945. MT series (27 reels); P series (2 reels); S series (27 reels); SP series (9 reels); TEL series (1 reel); WT series (33 reels); Japanese archives (40 reels); Japanese material (57 reels), and Japanese Special studies (2 reels). A separate microfilm reproduction of selected archives of the Japanese Army, Navy, and other government agencies, 1868-1945 is also available (the checklist in print and online and some contents in microfilms under the following titles: Japanese Army - Navy archives (16 reels)
- Bibliography of Japanese History up to 1912 (Peter Kornicki): This is a revised edition of a bibliography of Japanese history up to the end of the Meiji period compiled by the author in 1996
- Chihōshi Kenkyū Zasshi Dētabēsu 地方史研究雑誌データベース: A list of journals on Japanese local history research and their contact information, provided by Iwata Shoten
- Chizu kūchū etsuran sābisu 地図・空中写真閲覧サービス: Provided by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan.
- East Asia Image Collections (Lafayette College Libraries): Open-access archive of digitized photographs, negatives, postcards, and slides of imperial Japan (1868-1945), its Asian empire (1895-1945) and occupied Japan (1947-52).
- *Foreign Office Files for Japan 1919-1952 (ArchivesDirect, sources from the National Archives, UK): Provided by Adam Mathew Digital. This resource offers full-text searchable access to formerly restricted top level discussions and correspondence from the British Embassy and consulate in Japan. Includes Japan-specific files from the FO 371 and FO 262 series and is supplemented by files from the Western and American Department papers in FO 371.
- *Heian Ibun/Kamakura Ibun 平安遺文・鎌倉遺文: The database containing approximately 41,000 historical documents from the Heian period (794-1185) and Kamakura period (1185-1333) is available in *JapanKnowledge (alternative link).
- Higashi Nihon Daishinsai Fukkō Raiburarī 東日本大震災復興ライブラリー (福島県立図書館): Offers guides to resources on the disasters of and recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake and TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in 2011
- Historical Photo Archive for the Period between the 1930s and 1945 (歴史写真アーカイブ) via *Asahi Kikuzo II Visual: Provides access to 10,000 pieces of historical photos of the period between the 1930s and 1945 held by Asahi Shinbunsha
- Japan Air 日本空襲デジタルアーカイブ: This bilingual historical archive dedicated to the international dissemination of information about the World War II air raids against Japan was created by Cary Karacas and Bret Fisk
- Japan at War and Peace, 1930-1949: U. S. State Department Records on the Internal Affairs of Japan: Digital archive of historical records held by the U. S. State Department, provided by Gale.
- Japan Biographical Database: Provided by the project "Network Studies," a research unit of the Institute of Comparative Culture, Sophia University. The database aims to provide access to information on historical Japanese individuals and their personal, political, and social networks, with visualization suite.
- Japan Center for Asian Historical Records, National Archives of Japan = 国立公文書館アジア歴史資料センター: Digital archive of modern records held by the National Archives of Japan, Diplomatic Record Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Library of the National Institute for Defense Studies at the National Defense Agency
- *Japan Digital Archives Center (J-DAC) (alternative link): A commercial platform provided by Maruzen-Yushodo Co. Ltd., including *Kingendai Shiryō Dētabēsu 近現代史料データベース (Political History of Japan Database): contains Kusuda Minoru Collection (Satō Eisaku Papers) 楠田實資料(佐藤栄作官邸文書), Documents Related to Ōhira Masayoshi 大平正芳関係文書, Documents Related to Political Scientist Yabe Teiji 矢部貞治関係文書, Documents Related to Miki Takeo 三木武夫関係資料, Documents Related to Ōkita Saburō 大来佐武郎関係文書, Collection of Materials Related to Social and Energy Policy 社会政策・エネルギー政策関係資料集, Tokyo Army Military Proceedings on February 26 Incident 二・二六事件 東京陸軍軍法会議録, Documents Related to Wagatsuma Sakae 我妻栄関係文書, Local System and Decentralization in Post War Japan 地方制度と地方分権, Administrative Reform: Reports of the Provisional Commission for Administrative Reform and the Provisional Administrative Reform Promotion Council 行政改革:臨調と行革審, Yūhō Bunko Library 友邦文庫, Documents Related to Miyazawa Kiichi 宮澤喜一関係文書, and Documents Related to Gotō Shinpei 後藤新平文書; and *Shakai Bunkashi Dētabēsu 社会文化史データベース (Socio-Cultural History Database): contains Seifūzoku kishō zasshi korekushon 性風俗稀少雑誌コレクション (Collection of Magazines on Japanese Mass Entertainment and Sexual Customs Online, 1950s-70s), and "Nihon Shinrei" Digital Archive 「日本心霊」デジタルアーカイブ (Bulletin of Spirit Society of Japan, 1915-1939)
- Japanese Historical Texts Initiative: Covers texts from ancient chronicles, ancient gazetteers, ancient religio-civil codes, medieval stories, medieval and early-modern interpretive histories, etc.
- Japanese Old Photographs in Bakumatsu-Meiji Period: Provides ca. 7,000 images of Japan from the photograph collection of the Nagasaki University Library
- Kahoku Kōtsū Ākaibu 華北交通アーカイブ (North China Railway Archive): Provides ca. 38,000 images of photographs taken in Northern China during the Japanese occupation, originally owned by Kahoku Kōtsū (1939-1945) and currently held by Institute of Research in Humanities, Kyoto University.
- Kokuritsu Kōbunshokan Dejitaru Ākaibu 国立公文書館デジタルアーカイブ (National Archives of Japan Digital Archive): The Digital Archive provides access to the descriptions and digitized images of the historical records preserved by the National Archives of Japan
- Kokuritsu Rekishi Minzoku Hakubutsukan Dētabēsu 国立歴史民族博物館データベース: The National Museum of Japanese History provides many databases related to their holdings, texts, and other research results in Japanese history
- Mainichi Photo Bank 毎日フォトバンク: The digital photographic archive provided by Mainishi Shinbunsha offers access to ca. 330,000 images since 1850s
- The Meiji at 150 Digital Teaching Resource: A collaborative effort of the University of British Columbia Library, the Museum of Anthropology, the Centre for Japanese Research, the Department of History, and the Department of Asian Studies to promote the study of Japanese history and culture using digital materials from UBC.
- Naitō Kinen Kusuri Hakubutsukan 内藤記念くすり博物館: Offers online exhibitions on various themes related in history of medicine
- The Okinawa Memories Initiative: A public history project managed by UC Santa Cruz, The Humanities Institute, CSU Monterey Bay, CSU East Bay, and the University of Ryukyus that explores the postwar history of Okinawa from a global perspective, with a particular focus on the years of direct American rule (1945-1972). See also An Okinawan-American Dialogue project.
- Premodern Japanese Texts and Translations: A bibliography of translations and reviews of the literary and historical works up to about 1600; includes works written in kanbun and Chinese
- Senzenki Ajia Shokoku Shahin Korekushon 戦前期アジア諸国写真コレクション = Pre-World War II Asia in Photos: Includes 3,704 archived digital photos of people and places in the Pacific region taken by Rikugun Keiri Gakko held at Hitotsubashi University
- *Shiryō Sanshū 史料纂集: Consists of important historical primary source materials of a wide range of genres and from different eras, from ancient to early-modern times, as well as diaries of court nobles, warriors, and Buddhist and Shinto priests in modern type-set scripts and is available in *JapanKnowledge (alternative link).
- Tōji Hyakugō Monjo Dētābēsu 東寺百合文書データベース: An image database of the collection of Japanese documents originally preserved at Toji and presently at the Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, consisting of nearly 25,000 documents from the 8th to the 18th centuries (a bulk from the 14th and the 15th centuries)
- Tōkyō Daigaku Shiryō Hensanjo Dētābēsu 東京大学史料編纂所データベース: Databases including the index to 大日本史料; full-text of 大日本古文書, 大日本古記錄, and 平安遺文, the Online Glossary of Japanese Historical Terms, etc.
- Visualizing Cultures: Image-Driven Scholarship: Launched at MIT in 2002. "The VC mission is to use new technology and hitherto inaccessible visual materials to reconstruct the past as people of the time visualized the world (or imagined it to be)."
- Aozora Search: Web-scraped Aozora Bunko corpus provided by University of Chicago. Additional resource: Digital Japanese Literature: Aozora Bunko by Christopher Morse
- Art Research Center (Ritsumeikan University) Project Archive プロジェクトアーカイブ: Offers a variety of databases and other resources
- Bunka Dejitaru Raiburarī 文化デジタルライブラリー: Provided by the Japan Arts Council to support research and learning of the Japanese traditional performing arts; the Council also offers Introduction to Noh & Kyogen
- Emaki Zanmai 絵巻三昧: A blog site hosted by Prof. X. Jie Yang, including links to his digital projects
- Gikyoku Dejitaru Ākaibu 戯曲デジタルアーカイブ = Playtext Digital Archives:A database of plays and playtexts provided by the Japan Playwrights Association
- Japanese Literature in Translation Search = 日本文学翻訳書誌検索: A database of translations of literary works into a variety of languages; maintained by the Japan Foundation
- Japanese Performing Arts Resource Center (JPARC): An online resource center for research on and the study of the performing arts of Japan
- Japanese Text Analysis (by Molly Des Jardin): Tools and resources for text analysis and natural language processing in Japanese
- Japanese Text Initiative = 日本語テキストイニシアチブ: Texts of classical and modern literature; collaborative effort of the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center and the University of Pittsburgh East Asian Library
- *JapanKnowledge (alternative link): In addition to basic Japanese reference sources including encyclopedias and dictionaries (e.g., 日本大百科全書, 日本国語大辞典, 國史大辭典, Encyclopedia of Japan, etc.), JapanKnowledge provides access to 東洋文庫 (平凡社) and 新編日本古典文学全集(小学館) series.
- *Japan Digital Archives Center (J-DAC) (alternative link): A commercial platform provided by Maruzen-Yushodo Co. Ltd., including Mita Bungaku 三田文学, Kindai Bungaku Sakka Jihitsu Shiryōshū 近代文学作家自筆資料集, Dazai Osamu Jihitsu Shiryōshū 太宰治自筆資料集, Yokomizo Seishi Kyūzo Shiryō 横溝正史旧蔵資料, and Edogawa Ranpo "Harimaze Nenpu" 江戸川乱歩「貼雑年譜」.
- JPARC (Japanese Performing Arts Research Consortium): JPARC, a consortium of scholars supporting the research and promotion of Japanese performing arts in Japan and abroad, offers various databases and other resources on Nōgaku 能楽, Kabuki 歌舞伎, and Bunraku 文楽.
- Kokubungaku Kenkyū Shiryōkan Denshi Shiryōkan 国文学研究資料館電子資料館: National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL) offers a variety of databases for Japanese literary studies, including 国文学・アーカイブズ学論文データベース. NIJL manages 歴史的典籍NW事業 and 日本古典籍研究国際コンソーシアム. 日本古典籍データセット (簡易Web閲覧ページ), 日本古典籍くずし字データセット and other various datasets are provided by 人文学オープンデータ共同利用センター.
- Kokuritsu Kokugogaku Kenkyūjo dētabēsu dēta shū 国立国語学研究所データベース・データ集: Offers various databases and data, including 日本語研究・日本語教育文献データベース, an online index to articles and book chapters covered in Kokugo nenkan 国語年鑑 (1950-2009) and Nihongo kyōiku nenkan 日本語教育年鑑 (1960-2008).
- Kokusai Kōryu Kikin Nihongo Kokusai Sentā 国際交流基金日本語国際センター: The Japan Foundation Japanese Language Institute, Urawa offers various teaching materials and information for Japanese language instructors
- Nihongo Gakkai 日本語学会: Offers full text database of Kokugogaku 国語学 (1948-2004) and table of contents of Nihongo no kenkyū 日本語の研究 (2004-)
- Nogami Kinen Hōsei Daigaku Nōgaku Kenkyūjo Dejitaru Ākaibu 野上記念法政大学能楽研究所デジタルアーカイブ
- Noh as Intermedia: Developed by Profs. Jarosław Kapuściński, Takanori Fujita, and François Rose on the Japanese Noh Theater
- Premodern Japanese Texts and Translations: A bibliography of translations and reviews of the literary works up to about 1600; includes works written in kanbun and Chinese
- Shibai banzuke 芝居番付: Research guide provided by the National Diet Library
- the-noh 能.com: A gateway to the Noh
- Waka/Haiku 和歌・俳句: Research guide provided by the National Diet Library
- Waseda Daigaku Bunka Shigen Dētabēsu 早稲田大学文化資源データベース: Offers a variety of resources held by libraries and museums at Waseda University
- ATLA Religion Database: An index to the research literature of religion, including Biblical studies, world religions, church history, and religious perspectives on social issues (including Japanese journals) [1949 - present]
- Bukkyōgaku kankei zasshi ronbun bunrui mokuroku 仏教学関係雑誌論文分類目録 compiled by Ryūkoku Daigaku Toshokan: Aritles published between early Meiji and 1930, those between 1931 and 1955, and those between 1956 and 1969.
- Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association's (CBETA) Chinese Buddhist Cannon: A guide for CBETA is provided by Matthew Hayes.
- Dictionary of Buddhism / Damien Keown (2003) via Oxford Reference
- Digital dictionary of Buddhism = 電子仏教辞典: Edited by A. Charles 7/15/1995
- Digital 法寶義林 (Hobogirin): A project conducted in collaboration between Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (Academy of inscriptions and belles-lettres) and SAT大蔵経データベース研究会 (SAT Daizōkyō Database Committee).
- East Asian Buddhist Studies: A Reference Guide: Compiled by Robert Buswell and updated by William Bodiford (UCLA)
- Hachiman Digital Handscrolls: A pilot study by Heidelberg University offers access to seven digitized Japanese illuminated hand scrolls ranging from the 14th to the 19th century with transcriptions of the calligraphies and English translations.
- Hanazono Daigaku Kokusai Zengaku Kenkyūjo花園大学国際禅学研究所: Offers databases including Zenseki Dētabēsu and texts for downloading
- INBUDS Indogaku Bukkyōgaku ronbun dētabēsu インド学仏教学会論文データベース: Database of articles from academic bulletins, collected research essays, and other materials published since 1952; provided by日本印度学仏教学会
- Jinja pōtaru saito Nihon Jinja 神社ポータルサイト日本神社: Offers links to shrines in Japan
- Kokugakuin Daigaku Dejitaru Myūjiamu 國學院大學デジタル・ミュージアム: Offers various digital resources, including Encyclopedia of Shinto, English translation of Shinto jiten 神道事典 (1994); Kokugakuin also offers Shintō jinja shiryō shūsei 神道・神社史料集成
- Nanzan Shūkyō Bunka Kenkyūjo南山宗教文化研究所: Offers selected their publications online, including Tōzai shūkyō kenkyū 東西宗教研究, Kenkyūjo hō 研究所報, and Inter-Religio
- Nihon Shūkyō Gakkai 日本宗教学会: Publishes online journal Religious Studies in Japan and 宗教研究 for which an article index is available for issues since 1917.
- Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism / Robert E. Buswell, Jr. and Donald S. Lopez, Jr. (2014) via EBRARY
- SAT Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō tekisuto dētabēsu SAT大正新脩大藏經テキストデータベース = The SAT Daizōkyō Text Database: Provided by the SAT Daizōkyō Text Database Committee, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo
- Shūkyō nenkan 宗教年鑑: Published by 文化庁; recent editions available online
- Sōtōshū kankei bunken mokuroku onrain kensaku曹洞宗関係文献目録オンライン検索:Article database for publications related to Sōtōshū since the Meiji period
- Zenkoku jiin no kensaku 全国寺院の検索: Offers information about temples in Japan
Political Science/Economics/Law
- Dētabēsu “Sekai to Nihon”データベース「世界と日本」: Databases, full-text of important documents, and links related to international relations; provided by the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo
- E-Gov Denshi Seifu no Sōgō Madoguchi 電子政府の総合窓口 : Gateway to government-related information and homepages of Japanese government agencies
- Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Resources (ICPSR): Maintains a data archive of more than 500,000 files of research in the social sciences, including data from Japanese institutions.
- Japanese Company Histories (Shashi) Wiki: This project is an initiative of the Shashi Interest Group consisting of librarians and researchers in North America to collaboratively build and promote use of the library collections of Japanese company histories or shashi.
- JETRO Nihon Bōeki Shinkō Kikō 日本貿易振興機構 (ジェトロ): Being a government-related organization that promotes mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world, JETRO offers latest world business-related news in various industries
- Keizai Dōyūkai 経済同友会: Offers 企業白書 and other various reports
- Kigyō Shiryō Direkutori 企業史料ディレクトリ: A directory of in-house archives and repositories on Japanese companies provided by Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation. The Foundation also offers Shibusawa Eiichi Denki Shiryō 渋沢栄一伝記資料 (including 渋沢栄一フォトグラフ) and Diary ダイアリー.
- *Kingendai Shiryō Dētabēsu 近現代史料データベース (Political History of Japan Database): Provided by Maruzen-Yushodo Co., Ltd. in *J-DAC (alternative link); contains Kusuda Minoru Collection (Satō Eisaku Papers) 楠田實資料(佐藤栄作官邸文書), Documents Related to Ōhira Masayoshi 大平正芳関係文書, Documents Related to Political Scientist Yabe Teiji 矢部貞治関係文書, Documents Related to Miki Takeo 三木武夫関係資料, Documents Related to Ōkita Saburō 大来佐武郎関係文書, Collection of Materials Related to Social and Energy Policy 社会政策・エネルギー政策関係資料集, Tokyo Army Military Proceedings on February 26 Incident 二・二六事件 東京陸軍軍法会議録, Documents Related to Wagatsuma Sakae 我妻栄関係文書, Local System and Decentralization in Post War Japan 地方制度と地方分権, Administrative Reform: Reports of the Provisional Commission for Administrative Reform and the Provisional Administrative Reform Promotion Council 行政改革:臨調と行革審, Yūhō Bunko Library 友邦文庫, Documents Related to Miyazawa Kiichi 宮澤喜一関係文書, and Documents Related to Gotō Shinpei 後藤新平文書
- Kokkai Kanren Jōhō 国会関連情報 : Resources on the Diet of Japan, including 国会会議録検索システム: minutes of the Diet since May 20, 1947, 日本法令索引: indexes to the constitution, laws, government and ministerial ordinances, and bills, etc. provided by the National Diet Library
- Nihon Ginkō Kin'yū Kenkyūjo 日本銀行金融研究所: The institute conducts studies on theoretical, institutional and historical aspects of monetary and economic issues in the Bank of Japan
- Nihonkoku Kenpō no Tanjō 日本国憲法の誕生: An online exhibition prepared by the National Diet Library
- Ōhara Dejitaru Ākaibusu Denshi Bunshokan大原デジタルアーカイブス電子文書館: Databases and links to resources on labor and social movements in Japan provided by 法政大学大原社会問題研究所
- Robert Britt's Japanese Legal Research at the University of Washington: Provides guides and links to useful resources
- Saibansho 裁判所 = Courts in Japan: Offers information on the Supreme Court
- Zenkoku Jicchitai Mappu Kensaku 全国自治体マップ検索: Links to official homepages of Japanese local governments from prefecture to the city level; provided by Local Authorities Systems Development Center (LASDEC)