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Japanese Studies: Books

This subject guide points to library's print and electronic sources for research on Japanese studies, especially in humanities and social sciences

Library Catalogs

(*licensed resource requiring authentication) For books and e-books offered by the UC Berkeley Library, consult the Library's Find+borrow page first. For Japanese e-books, UC system libraries offer: 466 ebooks from *EBSCOhost (select "Japanese" for language and search) and *Maruzen eBook Library (via Demand-Driven Acquisition), as well as limited titles from KinoDen. Some English e-books on Japan are published open access, such as those published by the University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies. In the U.S.-based catalogs, Japanese language materials can be searched either using original Japanese scripts (ひらがな, カタカナ, 漢字) or the modified Hepburn Romanization (transliteration) system. LC (Library of Congress) and ALA (American Library Association) Romanization Table for Japanese offers detailed explanation of the guidelines that most U.S. libraries follow when romanizing Japanese materials.

UC Berkeley faculty, registered graduate students, and staffs can also borrow materials from Stanford University Library through Research Library Cooperative Program (RLCP). 

For books held by libraries in Japan, use the following databases to locate materials:

For books published in Japan, use the following databases:

  • *BookPlus (alternative link): Indexes to monographs published in Japan since 1926. Summaries and tables of contents are available for the books published since 1986. Author information is provided for the books published since 2001. Classified lists of latest publications for the past two weeks are also available.  
  • E-Book Metadata (Japan) 電子ブックメタデータ(国内): This service shares the Japanese e-book metadata collected and integrated from EBSCO eBOOKS (EBSCO), Kinoden (Kinokuniya Company), JapanKnowledge (NetAdvance), Maruzen eBook Library (MRUZEN-YUSHODO Company), Medical Online (Meteo), openBD, etc. 

For dissertations held by libraries in Japan, use the following databases to locate materials:

Japanese Books on Market

Here is a short list of sources for finding materials available on the market for Japanese studies:

Book Reviews and Criticisms

Here is a short list of sources of reviews and criticims from scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers. Search Tips: For searching book reviews in Japanese, you might want to include the word 書評 in the query; critical reviews are often found in core journals of specific fields (see "Articles" tab for selected lists of journals).