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Global Poverty: Articles

Academic Journals and Poverty

Most article databases are categorized by "discipline" which can present challenges for multidisciplinary topics such as those in this class.   Review each category and depending on your topic try experimenting with several of these. 

Political Economy

EconLit. The most comprehensive index to scholarly journal articles in economics. It also lists books and dissertations, and indexes articles within 'collective works' (books that are collections of essays). 

Eldis.  Materials on development, policy, practice and research.  Thousands of full text documents free to download as well as resource guides and country profiles. 

JSTOR Online library of journals, academic ebooks, and some primary sources. There is a gap of typically 1-5 years between the most recently published journal issue and content available in JSTOR.

PAIS International. Indexes books, journals, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, and web sources related to public policy, politics, economics, and social issues worldwide. 

Project MUSE. Scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences. Topics include literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics and many others.

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts.  Indexes books, journals, and dissertations in political science, international relations, law and politics, political economy, public administration, and public policy. 

Public Health

Academic Search Complete. Versatile and multi-disciplinary database of scholarly and general interest journals, books, and reports

CINAHL. Primary database for nursing and allied health including addiction, and complementary medicine. Excellent source for community hospitals and grassroots  medicine.

JSTOR. Broad based digital library of academic journals and ebooks. JSTOR is an archive which means that current issues (generally the most recent 3-5 years) of the journals are not yet available.

Humanities International Complete. Indexes scholarly publications in the humanities: often offers interesting critiques of the dominant paradigms in development assistance. 

Left Index. Indexes the alternative, radical, and leftist literature, with an emphasis on political, economic, social and culturally engaged scholarship inside and outside academia.

PAIS International. Books, journals, government documents, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, and web sites related to public policy, politics, economics, and social issues worldwide.

Project Muse.  Digitized books and online journals in the humanities and social sciences. Books are searchable and retrievable to the chapter level, with no restrictions on downloading.

Sociological Abstracts.  Books, journals, and dissertations on sociological topics as well as selected anthropology, criminology, demography, and urban development.

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts.  Indexes books, journals, and dissertations within the field of political science and related to international relations, law and politics, political economy, public administration, and public policy.

Women's Studies International.  Women's studies, women's issues, and gender-focused books, chapters, journal articles, dissertations, and reports worldwide.

"Alternative" Databases

Consider using these databases for alternative, leftist, or heterodox perspectives on global economic problems.

Alternative Press Index. Progressive, radical, and left North American magazines, newsletters, and journals.

Alt-Press Watch. Alternative, radical, and independent magazines, newspapers, and journals in North America reporting on politics and government, policy and culture, international issues, education, and the environment.

Left Index. A complete guide to the alternative, radical, and leftist literature, with an emphasis on  political, economic, social and culturally engaged scholarship inside and outside academia.

Global Studies Databases

Africa-Wide Information.  A comprehensive database covering journals, magazines, newspapers, broadcasts, books and more on Africa. 

AllAfrica.Com. Articles from hundreds of news publications throughout Africa, as well as documents from governments and non-governmental organizations.

Anthropology Plus. Citations to articles, reports, and  books in anthropology and related interdisciplinary research. 

Bibliography of Asian Studies. Citations to journal articles, books, and conference proceedings worldwide on the countries, of East, South, and Southeast Asia.

China Academic Journals 中国期刊全文数据库. Database of journals published in China. Covers politics, military affairs, law, education, the social sciences, economics, & management.

Eldis.  Materials on development, policy, practice and research.  Thousands of open access documents as well as resource guides and country profiles. 

Handbook of Latin American Studies. Indexes books, journals and proceedings on Latin America consisting of works selected and annotated by scholars in humanities and social sciences.

International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS). Journals, books, chapters, and book reviews in the fields of economics, political science, sociology, and anthropology from more than 100 countries. 

Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies. Combines sources from: School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS) Library Catalog, Middle East Bibliography, Middle East Book Bibliographies, Theses & Dissertations and MECAS Citations Database.

PAIS International. Indexes books, journals, government documents, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, and web sources related to public policy, politics, economics, and social issues.

SciELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online. Collection of open access scholarly online journals in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities in the Global South, particularly Latin America and the Caribbean.

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. Books, journals, and dissertations in political science, international relations, law and politics, political economy, public administration, and public policy. 

Women's Studies International. Indexes books, journals, and other resources related to research and commentary on women and women's issues, feminism, and gender.

Environmental Policy

Agricultural & Environmental Science Database. Journal articles, conference proceedings, books, reports, and government publications in the agricultural and environmental sciences. 

Biosis. Citations for journal articles, conference papers, and books on a wide variety of biological and biomedical topics.

CAB Abstracts. Indexes journals, monographs, conferences, books, annual reports, and other sources from the agricultural literature and from more than 100 countries.

ClimateWire. Daily coverage of the debate over climate policy and its effects on business, the environment and society. Key topics include agriculture, alternative energy, fossil fuels, species and ecosystem effects, and water resources.

Environment Complete. Subjects include agriculture, energy, environmental law, natural resources, pollution, public policy, renewable energy, social impacts, urban planning, and more. 

GreenFILE. Scholarly, government, and general-interest titles about human impact on the environment. Topics include global climate change,  pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and more.

Sociological Abstracts. Indexes journals, books, dissertations, and reviews in the social sciences on sociological topics.