Kanopy has many films and documentaries related to Ethnic Studies. Search keywords for particular communities (for example, "Native American") or browse by subject. Relevant subjects include Documentaries -> Ethnicity & Identity and Social Sciences -> Race & Class Studies. Set up Library Proxy Server to be able to view at home and use the "Create Clip/Playlist" button in the video to create clips that you can screen in your classroom.
About the Oral History Center at UC Berkeley
"Oral history dates to the beginnings of the University of California. Hubert Howe Bancroft conducted interviews in the 1860s in support of his 39-volume history of the West. In 1954, the Regional Oral History Office was established to conduct interviews with leading citizens of the West. In 2014 we became the Oral History Center of The Bancroft Library. Over the decades, we have conducted 4,000 interviews on almost every topic imaginable. The vast majority of these interviews have been transcribed and made available online."
Oral history series related to Ethnic Studies:
Listing of oral histories by subject area; see especially Community History and Social Movements
Media can range from film, music, photography and more. Through the UC Berkeley Libraries, you can access audiovisual media related to Comparative Ethnic Studies.
The Media Resources Center (MRC) is the UC Berkeley Library's primary collection of materials in audio and visual formats, including DVDs, videocassettes, streamed audio and video, compact audio discs, and audiocassettes.
You can also find non-print media of all types in UC Library Search; search by keywords, author, subject, title, etc. and pull down the "Entire Collection" menu to the type of resource you want (maps, films, etc.)
All Media Resources Center materials must be used on-site.