Citation formats
- Author/creator name(s), if available; may be organization if no individual authors/creators are named
- Year of publication, copyright or latest update, if available
- Title of page, article or video
- Name of platform, sponsoring organization and/or website
- Date accessed: The most recent date you viewed the information you are citing on the website. Including the date is important because websites frequently change over time.
- URL or DOI (What is a DOI?)
Scientific journal articles
- Author name(s)
- Year of publication
- Title of article
- Title of journal
- Volume
- Issue or Number (omitted for many citation styles in the sciences and for this assignment)
- Page numbers (for articles published both in print and online) or article number (for online-only articles)
- For articles published online: URL or DOI (What is a DOI?)
- 6 or fewer authors:
Freeman PR, Goodin A, Troske S, Strahl A, Fallin A, Green TC. 2017. Pharmacists’ role in opioid overdose: Kentucky pharmacists’ willingness to participate in naloxone dispensing. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 57: S28-S33.
- More than 6 authors:
Barnosky AD, et al. 2012. Approaching a state shift in Earth's biosphere. Nature 486: 52-58.
- Published online only, with an article number rather than page numbers:
Ali-Murthy Z, Lott SE, Eisen MB, Kornberg TB. 2013. An essential role for zygotic expression in the pre-cellular Drosophila embryo. PLoS Genetics 9: e1003428. [Note: not all article numbers begin with "e"]
- Article title ending in a question mark or other punctuation mark:
Ray A, Camiolo M, Fitzpatrick A, Gauthier M, Wenzel SE. 2020. Are we meeting the promise of endotypes and precision medicine in asthma? Physiological Reviews 100: 983-1017.
Newspaper articles
- Author name(s)
- Date of publication (include year followed by month and day)
- Title of article
- Title of newspaper
- Volume (if available)
- Issue or Number (placed in parentheses after volume, if available)
- Page numbers for articles published both in print and online (if available)
- For articles published online: URL or DOI (What is a DOI?)
Magazine articles
- Author name(s)
- Date of publication (include year followed by month or month and day, especially if no issue information is available)
- Title of article
- Title of magazine
- Volume
- Issue or Number (placed in parentheses after volume, if available)
- Page numbers for articles published both in print and online (if available)
- For articles published online: URL or DOI (What is a DOI?)
Drug package inserts
From a website:
- Company name
- Month and year of revision (sometimes there can be multiple revisions in a single year, so the year alone won't distinguish the version you're citing)
- Name of drug (alternate name for drug) [package insert]
- Name of website sponsor or website title
- Date accessed
- URL for insert
In print:
- Name of drug (alternate name for drug) [package insert]
- Month and year of revision
- Place of publication
- Company name
- Risperdal (risperidone) [package insert]. January 2019. Titusville, NJ: Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies.
For a book written by one or more author(s):
- Author(s)
- Year of publication
- Title of book
- Publisher
- Page numbers
- For e-books: URL or DOI (What is a DOI?)
- Book by one or more author(s):
Beazley JC, Field S. 2018. Cannabis on Campus: Changing the Dialogue in the Wake of Legalization. Routledge. Pages 121-122.
For a chapter in an edited collection:
- Chapter author(s)
- Year of publication
- Title of chapter
- Page numbers
- Name(s) of editor(s)
- Title of book
- Publisher
- For e-books: URL or DOI (What is a DOI?)
- Chapter in an edited collection:
Zalman D, Bar-Sela G. 2017. Chapter 89: Cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids for cancer patients: Multiple palliative indications together with promising laboratory antineoplastic effects. Pages 859-868 in Preedy VR, ed. Handbook of Cannabis and Related Pathologies. Academic Press.