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Alumni Guide: Library Resources for Public Health Lifelong Learning, Research, Productivity & More: Books & Grey Literature

Alumni Library Privileges

UC Berkeley alumni may obtain a library card through the Alumni Association. This library card lets you check out books, but does not allow remote access to online resources. More information is on the Library's Information for Alumni web page.

The resources on this guide are all freely available.

Search for books

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Click "Find a Library" and enter your location. Libraries closest to you with the books you want will appear at the top of your results.

Google Books
Full-text searching of millions of books, with links to full access or partial ("preview") access to the texts.

Open Library
Over 1 million full-text online books to read or borrow.

Grey Literature

Grey Literature generally refers to publications not produced by commercial publishers, including reports (pre-prints, technical reports, statistical reports, market research reports, etc.), theses, conference proceedings, and other documents. They are often produced by government entities, research institutions, or NGOs/IGOs

The Library's Guides to Public Health Subjects consists of web pages by topic. Each page consists of annotated lists of organizations, agencies, databases, and publications. Topics include:

Freely Available Dissertations and Theses Databases: