Use this article for the ERIC exercise:
Evaluating a science diversity program at UC Berkeley: more questions than answers.
Matsui J, Liu R, Kane CM.
Cell Biol Educ. 2003 Summer;2(2):117-21.
ERIC has many features to help refine your search:
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When searching databases for research, if you get too many search results, try adding:
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Databases with the key icon are UCB Access only. Those without the open lock icon are freely available.
Indexes leading journals in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences. Allows cited reference searching. (ISI Web of Knowledge) [1900 - present]
UC Berkeley provides access to over 1300 databases on all subjects.
Once at this list, you can limit by:
» subject (Biological Sciences, Engineering, etc.), or by
» type (articles, news, videos, etc.)
Use the UCB/UC Library catalog, UC Library Search, to find books, reports, dissertations, video, articles, and more. The UCB Library alone has over 12 million volumes, plus millions of online items!
UC Library Search:
Information on using the library, including library cards for non-UCB folks
Internet search engines (eg Google) are good for finding grey literature (government/NGO reports, technical reports, etc.).
Search smartly:
Quotes for phrase searching:
"STEM education"
Site: to specify a particular site or domain:
"STEM education" (for a domain search)
"STEM education" (for a specific site search)
Boolean search statements (eg, OR):
("STEM education" OR "STEM outreach")
Other sources of grey literature include:
Current/recent issues:
Historic/past issues: