Covers U.S. policy during the prolonged U.S.-Soviet standoff over Berlin. Topics include contingency planning, East-West negotiations, the building of the Berlin Wall, and military preparations by NATO. Records from the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations reveal the strategic and political challenges posed by the divided city during the Cold War.
Documents on the history of the Berlin Wall, beginning with the conditions in Berlin and East Germany following WWII and the history of the wall's construction in 1961, and followed by the 1971 Four Power Negotiations on the status of Berlin, and the final tearing down of the Wall in 1989.
A collection of items originating from prisoners held in German concentration camps, internment and transit camps, Gestapo prisons, and POW camps, during and just prior to World War II. Most of the collection consists of letters written or received by prisoners, but also includes receipts for parcels, money orders and personal effects; paper currency; and realia, including Star of David badges that Jews were forced to wear.
The Reformation Portal Central Germany is a platform for digitization projects that include The Digital Archive of the Reformation, Collection Georg Rörer, Eisenacher pamphlets and others.
17th century pamphlet collection of the State and City Library of Augsburg.
Contains PDF files representing rarely-held pamphlets. The pamphlets reflect a wide variety of topics central to the political and social history of Europe in the 17th century. They are particularly rich in background for the four great military conflicts of the century: the Thirty Years' War, the Swedish/Polish War of 1656-1658, the Turkish War waged again Kaiser Leopold in 1663/1664, and the war against France in 1673/1674.
English translations of German foreign policy documents. Includes Series C (1933-1937) The Third Reich: first phase and Series D (1937-1945) The War Years.
Comprised of 170 German-language books and pamphlets, this collection presents anti-Semitism as an issue in politics, economics, religion, and education.
A collection of primary source materials in German (with English translations) documenting Germany's political, social, and cultural history from 1500 to the present.
Digitized version of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica. (Brepols) [through 15th century]
An online project to digitize and make available via the Internet the entire contents of the Monumenta Germaniae Historic, a collection of original texts and commentaries dealing with German history from the earliest written sources through the 15th century. Currently, the online version is an interim one which allows consultation of digitized pages from the print edition, and which is intended to bridge the gap until the full-text version is ready to use. For fuller description, read Resource Details. Can be included in the Cross Database Searchtool (
Digitized versions of the Corpus Constitutionum Marchicarum and and Novum Corpus Constitutionum Prussico-Brandenburgensium Praecipue Marchicarum, compilations of Prussian laws from 1298 -1810.
Interactive online collection consisting of high-resolution photographs, maps, references to texts archived in Basel. Most of these materials document missionary encounters in China, India, the Americas, Ghana, Cameroon, and Kalimantan in the 19th and 20th centuries.