Use the information below to find Southeast Asia:
Find course reserves, print materials for student courses, on The Library's Course Reserves page.
Find dissertations, works of original academic research written by doctoral students to earn their PhD, in:
In A-Z Databases, select the subject "Southeast Asian Studies" and the database type "Dissertations and Theses".
Find government publications and statistics, which include all governmental and non-governmental statistical sources, in:
In A-Z Databases, select the subject "Southeast Asian Studies" and the database type "Statistics and Numeric Data". Additionally, look for government and statistical information in United Nations and WorldBank online sources.
Find magazine articles in:
Find maps and atlases in:
Newspapers are often archived in microforms (microfilm, microfiche, or microcard), which can also be used to preserve other types of sources. Find them in:
In A-Z Databases, select the subject "Southeast Asian Studies" and the database type "News".
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