See other pages in this guide for ESPM-specific information on:
Related Guides:
Workshops, Trainings, Groups
For workshops on software, data analysis, and programming languages such as R and Python, watch the D-Lab calendar or sign up for their email list.
The Geospatial Innovation Facility (GIF) has workshops on geospatial topics, and you may be interested in the GIS and Mapping Community of Practice
Bay Area Open Science Group meets monthly and is a great community for learning about Open Science.
New Library Resources
Carbon Pulse is an online, subscription-based B2B service dedicated to providing in-depth news and intelligence about carbon pricing initiatives and climate change policies around the world. Requires registration with Carbon Pulse, and the completion of this form
The subscription is available to all current UC Berkeley faculty, students, staff, and researchers. You should receive an email from Carbon-Pulse within 10 days notifying you that you’re subscribed.
*If you have any questions, please email Ayuko Picot,, at the Center for Environmental Public Policy.
Planet Labs provides daily satellite images of the Earth’s land surfaces and coastal areas. Natural color, near infra-red, and other multi-channel imagery products are available with 5m, 3.7m and 50cm ground pixel resolution. Request access to this resource by filling out this form
The Open Science Framework (OSF) supports and enables reproducible open science as a platform for research outputs including preprints; registrations and preregistrations; and project sites to host project plans, results and associated files.
Primary sources that document the role of government agencies, conservation organizations and individual actors who pioneered the study of the natural environment and campaigned for its protection. UCB access only.
Pharos provides hazard, use, and exposure information on chemicals and building products. NOTE: You must first register for an account using the link here and your Berkeley email address.