The EU is the largest single donor of development aid and provides more than half of official development assistance (ODA) globally. The EU and its Member States also provide around 50 % of global funding for emergency relief. The majority of this work is coordinated through the European External Action Service.
Centre for the Development of Enterprise. Joint institution of the African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) Group of States and the European Union (EU) mandated to support the development of the ACP private sector.
Committee on Development. (From the European Parliament). Monitors the budget for EU aid spending and all those using EU aid funds.
EU Aid Explorer. Access to data and visualizations on donor activity from the EU and other donor countries.
European Development Fund. Main source of EU development aid for the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and overseas territories.
European Union External Action. Portal for EU Relations and Activities relating to international affairs on all topics.
EU International Cooperation and Development. Commission responsible for EU policy on delivering international aid.
Financial Transparency System. Website showing beneficiaries of funding from the central EU budget and European Development Fund.
Publications. From the EU Bookshop.
Summaries of Development Legislation (via Eurlex)
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA).
European Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Office. Aims to save and preserve life, prevent and alleviate human suffering and safeguard populations affected by natural and man-made crises.
EU Aid Explorer. Access to data and visualizations on donor activity from the EU and other donor countries.
European External Action. In addition to humanitarian aid and development work also serves as the EU foreign ministry implementing the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy.
Publications. From the EU Bookshop.