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Engineering & Physical Sciences Libraries Newsletters: Spring 2020


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Contact Us!

Brian Quigley

Head, EPS Division;

Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science


Kristen Greenland

Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Physics, and Astronomy


Lisa Ngo



Susan Powell

Maps, GIS, and Geography


Anna Sackmann

Science Data and Engineering


Samantha Teplitzky

Earth Science and Open Science

Resource Updates

  • ACM Digital Library open access agreement - UC and three other institutions have signed a transformative open access agreement with the ACM. The three-year agreement will provide UC faculty and students with access to all articles in the ACM Digital Library while also allowing UC corresponding authors to publish open access in ACM journals, conferences, and magazines at no cost to the author.

  • Advancing open access - The UC Libraries have also shared an update on Elsevier negotiations and their efforts to advance open access with other publishers. See this Library News story for more information.

  • Electrochemical Society Digital Library content moved to IOP Publishing platform on 1/2/20. IOP partners with ECS in publishing the Journal of the Electrochemical Society (JES) and the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, and hosting ECS Transactions, ECS Meeting Abstracts, and Interface, as well as hosting ECS's retired publications archive. Find information about the new partnership here:

  • Expanded standards access

    • AASHTO Standards and Guidelines - including "the Green Book" - now available online via the Techstreet platform. Other full standards sets available on Techstreet to UC Berkeley users include the ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines (information on accessing standards on other platforms can be found on our library guide to standards). 

    • BSI Standards - We are piloting a process to acquire one-time standards purchases for faculty, researchers and graduate students. Requests can be made for BSI (British Standards Institute) Standards through the library; BSI adopts approximately 75% of ISO standards as well as some IEC standards. More information will be released about the pilot in the Spring semester, or contact Lisa Ngo ( 

  • IChemE Journal Archive ( - The Institution of Chemical Engineers has digitized its journal archive back to 1923. The archive of over 4,000 papers is fully searchable by volume and author, and by keyword across the full text of every article.

  • Rapid Prototyping Journal - Now available going back to volume 1 (1995). 

  • Purchase Recommendation - we welcome your suggestions! Please contact your librarian or fill out the purchase recommendation form if you would like to suggest that we purchase a journal or book for the collection. If we have an ebook but you would prefer the print book, we can also purchase the print version for the collection on request.



Date Time Event Location
1/31/20 4:00 - 5:30 pm

Publish or Perish Reframed: Navigating the New Landscape of Scholarly Publishing

Morrison Library
2/11/20 1:00 - 2:00 pm

Love Data Week: Data Security at UC Berkeley

The Information Security Office will talk about Security Incident Handling, including preparation, identification, containment, and recovery of data during a security incident.


356 Barrows Hall

2/13/20 2:00 - 3:00 pm

Love Data Week: Dryad - open data and archiving publishing tool

Dryad is an open data publishing platform that is widely regarded by the researcher, funder, and journal publishing communities. Join Dryad’s Product Manager, Daniella Lowenberg, to learn more about how to utilize the publishing platform to comply with mandates, how data can be re-used, and the future roadmap ahead.


Doe 180

3/16/20 12:00 - 1:30 pm

Edible Book Festival 

Morrison Library

Love Data Week is February 10-14, 2020. Love Data Week is a nationwide campaign designed to raise awareness about data management, security, sharing, and preservation. Students, researchers, librarians, and data specialists are invited to attend these events to gain hands-on experience, learn about resources, and engage in discussions around data needs throughout the research process. Please email Anna Sackmann ( for more information.  

OSC/b, the Open Science Community at Berkeley is launching this semester. Join our google group to learn about future events and services:

Contact us to schedule workshops about Overleaf, research workflows, data management and more! We're happy to present personalized sessions for your course or research group. 

Staffing News

On September 30, Kristen Greenland joined the EPS Libraries as our Chemical & Physical Sciences Librarian. In this role, she serves as the librarian for chemistry, chemical & biomolecular engineering, physics, and astronomy. Most recently Kristen was the Science Librarian in the Keefe Science Library at Amherst College for the past 7 years. She has also previously been an Associate Fellow at the National Library of Medicine and the Oregon Health & Science University, and a Research Scientist in the Biochemistry Department at the University of Washington. She has a BA in Biology from Carleton College, a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Washington, and an MLIS from the University of Washington.

With Kristen's arrival, Sam Teplitzky transitioned to a new role as our first Open Science Librarian. In this position, she will promote and provide outreach to researchers around open science and reproducibility. In addition, she will continue as our librarian for Earth & Planetary Science and will also serve as the library's liaison to LBNL.

Librarian News

Librarians Susan Powell, Anna Sackmann and Samantha Teplitzky presented a poster, Open Science and Data Management: Introducing Graduate Students to Research Workflows in a Local Context, at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall 2019 Meeting in San Francisco following up on Sam's related presentation at the Force11 Research Communications and Scholarship Conference in Edinburgh in October.

Susan chaired the Western Association of Map Libraries (WAML) conference in Reno in September.

Kristen continued her work with LSTRC, the Literature Selection Technical Review Committee at their Fall Meeting. LSTRC meets three times a year to review and recommend journals for inclusion in MEDLINE.

Lisa Ngo attended the Library Advisory Board meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in September. This year, the board was joined by members of the ASME Technical Committee on Publications and Communications - Dr. Jane H. Davidson of the University of Minnesota and Dr. Bahram Ravani, CITRIS Director at UC Davis. 

Brian Quigley attended the AMS Library Committee meeting at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in January, completing his term as co-chair. He will be attending the Institute of Physics (IOP) Library Advisory Board meeting in February.

Susan will present a keynote address at Geo4LibCamp 2020 in February on her work building & sharing a historical GIS for twentieth-century Mongolia.

Faculty Library Committee for the EPS Libraries

The Faculty Library Committee met in October to discuss several issues:

  • The University Library announced an alt-media scanning service for faculty, instructors, and visiting scholars.

  • UC's Dash data repository has merged with Dryad. As institutional members, UC Berkeley faculty and students can deposit their data in Dryad for free to archive it and obtain DOIs for citing. 

  • We provided highlights of results from the University Library's faculty survey administered in Fall 2018.

  • We reviewed the alternative access options for Elsevier articles that we cannot access and discussed the impact of this loss of access on the faculty. Engineering and physical sciences faculty are particularly encouraged to check arXiv for e-print access.

  • We also reviewed the workflow for UC corresponding authors to publish their articles open access in Cambridge University Press journals under our transformative agreement with the publisher.