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Engineering & Physical Sciences Libraries Newsletters: Spring 2024 Newsletter

Spring 2024 Newsletter


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Contact Us!

Brian Quigley

Head, Sciences Division

Mathematics, Bioengineering


Misha Coleman

Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research, Statistics


Nicholas Dehler

Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Physics


Lisa Ngo



Susan Powell

Maps, GIS, and Geography


Samantha Teplitzky

Open Science, Earth Science and Astronomy

Library Space Updates & Hours

In line with the Library's long-term space plan, the Physics-Astronomy Library officially closed at the end of December. The collections and services are merging into the Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Library (100 Hildebrand), which has been renamed the Chemistry, Astronomy & Physics Library. This consolidated library will serve the research, teaching, and study needs of the College of Chemistry, Department of Astronomy, and Department of Physics. While it will take us some time to update the signage and finish merging the collections, the journals have been consolidated into the Chemistry, Astronomy & Physics Library and the books can be requested for pickup at any campus library through UC Library Search.

The Engineering Library also remains closed due to the Engineering Student Center construction. We expect it to reopen in Spring 2025. More information is available in the library news story about the temporary closure

Our library hours for the Spring semester are:

Please see Location + Hours for the latest information on library hours.

Staffing News

Nicholas Dehler joined the Science Libraries in January as our new Chemical & Physical Sciences Librarian. In this role, he serves as the librarian for chemistry, chemical & biomolecular engineering, and physics. He previously worked as a science librarian at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the University of Ottawa. Nicholas has a BS with honours in Biological Physics with a minor in Russian Literature in Translation from the University of Toronto, St. George, and a Master of Information from the University of Toronto.

As of November, Peter Soriano has an expanded role as Chief Operations Manager for all of the science libraries, overseeing the day-to-day operations and staffing of the Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library, the Chemistry, Astronomy & Physics Library, the Earth Sciences & Map Library, the Engineering Library (when it reopens), and the Mathematics Statistics Library.

In addition, Blake Lindsay has a new role as our Lead Circulation Supervisor. As part of this new role, Blake provides leadership for our circulation services in the science libraries and oversees the circulation services staff. He also continues as the circulation supervisor for the Mathematics Statistics Library.

Resource Updates

Ebook packages: In addition to ebooks from major publishers such as Elsevier, Springer, and Wiley, did you know that we also have access to ebooks from these publishers and many others?

AIAA Standards: We now have access to standards published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Standards can be accessed on the ARC (Aerospace Research Central) platform along with AIAA journals, meeting papers and ebooks. 

Cancellation updates: Due to our budget reduction and serials review last year, we will be losing access to a number of resources over the next several months. We wanted to highlight a few titles and offer alternatives:

  • Compendex & Inspec - Access to Compendex will go away soon and Inspec will go away next year though we are working to retain access to the older backfiles of both databases. To search for engineering and physics literature going forward, we recommend Scopus.
  • McGraw-Hill Ebook Library: Schaum's Outlines - Cancelled due to duplication, you can still access many Schaum's Outlines through AccessEngineering.
  • Science of Synthesis - Due to declining usage and high costs, we had to cancel this useful database. Print volumes are available at NRLF and can be requested to campus to consult, and we will be working on a guide to help you access this information.

We also wanted to highlight a few titles that we planned to cancel but were able to keep by negotiating lower prices or finding alternative funds for them. Though we announced these cancellations last year, we will continue to have access to:

Purchase Recommendation - we welcome your suggestions! Please contact your librarian or fill out the purchase recommendation form if you would like to suggest that we purchase a journal or book for the collection.

Events & Exhibits


Date Time Event Location

Jan 23

2 - 3 PM

Bay Area Open Science Group - Citizen Science for Health Research with Shamsi Saltani (Stanford)


Jan 24 11 AM - 12:30 PM GIS & Mapping Community of Practice meet-up D-Lab Collaboratory, Social Sciences Building, Room 356

Jan 25

4 - 6 PM Open Source Science - OSSci + UC Berkeley Open Source meet-up

McCone 145, Registration

Feb 7

10 - 11 AM, 12 - 1 PM, 4 - 5 PM

Introduction to Zotero - now offered monthly! See the Library Workshops Calendar to register and view additional workshops in March, April and May. Zoom

Feb 12-16

  UC Love Data Week - Zoom
Feb 12 1 - 2 PM GIS & Mapping: Where to Start Zoom

Feb 14

1 - 2:30 PM

Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon


Feb 27

1 - 2:30 PM

Bay Area Open Science Group - UCSF Decision Lab


Please visit the Library Workshops Calendar to register and view additional workshops. For more information about the types of events and instruction sessions we offer, visit the Events & Instruction from the Engineering & Physical Sciences Libraries Guide.


Open Access Publishing Fee Guidance

Over the summer, the UC Office of the President issued an Open Access Fact Sheet for Researchers Applying for Grants. The fact sheet includes guidance on budgeting for open access publishing fees. For more information on this fact sheet and other programs that our Library and the UC system offer to help defray open access article processing charges, please visit Timothy Vollmer's post on UC Berkeley author tips: What to do when you have to pay an open access publishing fee. As a reminder, the UC Libraries have open access publishing agreements with several major publishers that help reduce or cover the costs of publishing open access for UC corresponding authors -- those publishers include ACM, ACS, Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, PLoS, Sage, Springer Nature, and Wiley.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Inclusive Excellence Collection at the Engineering Library is a collaboration between the College of Engineering and the Kresge Engineering Library. The collection consists of physical books as well as electronic books and other electronic resources. Although some books are housed in the Engineering Library, this resource is for the entire campus. The collection is meant to be dynamic and will grow over time.

This collection is a collaborative effort between the Engineering Library and the College of Engineering.

Access the collection here:

Note: While the Engineering Library is closed, the collection will be housed at the Earth Sciences & Map Library.


Following the Engineering Library's lead, a similar effort was created in partnership with the Earth & Planetary Science Department and the Earth Sciences and Map Library. This guide stems from a Call to Action by Earth & Planetary Science graduate students and was co-created by Bonita Dyess and Sam Teplitzky from the library, and Tyler Cadena and Michelle Devoe from the EPS department.

The guide can be found here:

Bay Area Open Science Group

Bay Area Open Science Group Logo with mapBay Area Open Science Group

Are you interested in making your research more openly available? Want to learn about open science tools and platforms that can make your research more effective and reproducible? The Bay Area Open Science Group is intended to bring together students, faculty, and staff from the Stanford, Berkeley, and UCSF communities to learn about open science, discuss the application of open science practices in a research context, and meet other members of the community who are interested in (or already are) incorporating open science practices into their work.

Spring 2024 Meetings:

We meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 2-3pm via Zoom. All are welcome to attend and join the conversation!

  • January 23, 2024 - This month the Bay Area Open Science group is digging into Citizen Science for health research with Shamsi Soltani from Stanford. As big data proliferate, the importance of representing the lived experiences and diverse perspectives of individuals will only grow. Shamsi and her team used micro-scale citizen scientist-collected data from four Bay Area communities along with aggregate epidemiologic and population-level data sets to illustrate barriers to, and facilitators of, physical activity in low-income aging adults. These data integrations highlight the synergistic value added by combining data sources, and what might be missed by relying on either a micro- or macro-level data source alone.
  • February 27, 2024 - TBD
  • March 26, 2024 - TBD
  • April 23, 2024 - Kelly Rowland (NERSC/LBNL) will join us to discuss the experience of being an editor and reviewer for JOSS, the Journal of Open Source Software.

Get Connected w/ GIS!

Campus GIS & Mapping Community of Practice meetups are announced in several forums:

Interested in presenting at a future meetup or have an idea for a speaker or location? Please let us know by filling out this interest form!

Librarian News

Along with Seismica Executive Editors, Sam convened a pre-AGU workshop in December, "Shaping the future with Researcher-Run Journals." About 30 attendees gathered to discuss the tools, processes and community building involved in launching diamond open access journals led by research communities.

Susan and several colleagues from across the UC system recently received a grant from the Librarians Association of the University of California to conduct a multi-phased research project, including a survey of GIS users across the UCs, focus groups, and the development of shared resources to support teaching and research with GIS.

Lisa is currently serving as the Division Chair of the Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).