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Engineering & Physical Sciences Libraries Newsletters: Spring 2019

Spring 2019 Newsletter

Contact Us!

Please contact us with questions or comments. Have a great semester!  


Brian Quigley

Head, EPS Division;

Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science (


Lisa Ngo

Engineering (


Susan Powell

Maps, GIS, and Geography (


Anna Sackmann

Science Data and Engineering (


Samantha Teplitzky

Earth Sciences, Physics, Astronomy (

Resource Updates

  • Inspec transition: our access to Inspec - the primary database for physics, astronomy, electronics engineering, and computer science literature - has moved to Engineering Village where you can search it alongside Compendex (the primary literature database for engineering) and Knovel (a collection of online engineering, chemistry, and physics handbooks). When you want to search across the literature for all engineering and physics disciplines, give Engineering Village a try!
  • ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Set - Online access to the complete, most up-to-date version of the BPVC. Access through the ASME Standards Collection and use the “Click here to access via institutional account” link in the upper right corner.
  • Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science (
  • IOP ebooks Release 5 includes 90 ebooks from three series (Concise Physics, Expanding Physics, and the American Astronomical Society).
  • Current information about UC's Elsevier Negotiations:
  • Fire Insurance Maps Online (FIMo) database trial during the month of February - FIMo is a new online digital collection of full-color historical fire insurance maps, real estate atlases and similar land use maps for North America. Share your feedback with Susan Powell. (You must be on a campus IP address to access.)


Information about events and workshops can be found below and on our Events Calendar








Love Your Data Week:

Locations vary. See link for details.


11 am - 1 pm

Maps and More!

Post-War SF in Aerial Photographs

Earth Sciences & Map Library

50 McCone Hall


3:30 - 5 pm

Maps and More!

150 Years of Mapping the Grand Canyon

Earth Sciences & Map Library

50 McCone Hall


12 - 1:30 pm

Edible Book Festival

Moffitt 4th Floor Commons


3 - 5 pm

Maps and More!

Earth Day 3019: Mapping Climate Fiction

Earth Sciences & Map Library

50 McCone Hall

Librarian News

Kortney Rupp, Chemical Information Librarian, left UC Berkeley in November to become the Science, Research & Engagement Librarian at the LLNL Library. We will be recruiting for a new librarian to cover chemistry and chemical engineering. In the meantime, if you have any reference questions or purchase recommendations related to those subjects, please contact us through our Ask a Science Librarian form.


Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) Fall Meeting

Sam Teplitzky received the 2018 Best Paper Award at the Geoscience Information Society's Fall Meeting, held in conjunction with the Geological Society of America (GSA) in Indianapolis, IN in November 2018. Her paper "Open data, [open] access: linking data sharing and article sharing in the Earth Sciences" was published in the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication in 2017 ( The award is presented to original, significant and scholarly papers in the field of geoscience information published in the year prior to the annual meeting.


Sam also led a session, "Trends in Scholarly Communications for Earth Science Librarians" at the society's Geoscience Librarianship 101 Workshop held prior to the annual meeting.



Susan Powell is participating this winter in Geo4LibCamp, a hands-on meeting that brings together those building repository services for geospatial data. She will present on the development of the UC Berkeley library’s geoportal GeoData@UCB as part of a panel titled “Implementing & Maintaining GeoBlacklight: Perspectives & Experiences.”

EPS Faculty Committee

EPS Faculty Committee


Our most recent meeting took place in late January. We have many new members so we discussed the purpose of the committee:

  • Increase communication with faculty
  • Offer venue for greater faculty input on library issues
  • Provide structure for channeling and prioritizing faculty suggestions for improvements 
  • Serve as advisory focus group on proposed initiatives and library services 


We discussed the Elsevier negotiations and gave updates on library services such as Research Data Management, Overleaf & Mendeley, Scholarly Communications, and Library Workshops.


Current committee members are:  Walter Alvarez (Earth & Planetary Science), Mark Asta (Materials Science & Engineering), Jim Casey (Mechanical Engineering), Edgar Knobloch (Physics), Laurel Larson (Geography), Fernando Perez (Statistics), Eran Rabani (Chemistry), and Evan Variano (Civil & Environmental Engineering).