Designed to provide easy-to-use, map views of California's natural resources and working landscapes. Categories of maps include: cultural geography, freshwater resources and characteristics, political districts, transportation networks & models.
Designed to provide easy-to-use, map views of California's natural resources and working landscapes. Categories of maps include: cultural geography, freshwater resources and characteristics, political districts, transportation networks & models, conservation planning, environmental hazards and more.
Download GIS data for California protected lands and conservation easements. The California Protected Areas Database (CPAD) is a GIS dataset depicting lands that are owned in fee and protected for open space purposes by over 1,000 public agencies or non-profit organizations. CPAD depicts the wide diversity of parks and open spaces in California, ranging from our largest National Forests and Parks to neighborhood pocket parks. The California Conservation Easement Database (CCED) contains lands protected under conservation easements.
Contains detailed outlines of the lands used by public schools for educational purposes, including K-12, colleges, universities, and public CA community colleges.
SFEI is the regional data center for the San Francisco Bay-Delta and northern montane regions. The Institute manages water quality, tissue, wetlands, historical, and spatial data, and develops tools for uploading, accessing, and visualizing data.
Robust and accurate mapping products that leverage the latest LiDAR topographic data sets, the FEMA San Francisco Bay Area Coastal Study and San Francisco Tidal Datums Study, and the regional shoreline delineation developed by the San Francisco Estuary Institute. The county maps are available to download as .pdf or a geodatabase (.gdb) for all ten water levels including:
Depth of Flooding (polygon and raster)
Shoreline Overtopping Depth
Disconnected Low-Lying Areas