An easy-to-use mapping program that includes over 15,000 US demographic and socioeconomic data indicators from the neighborhood census block to national levels. Data may be downloaded to csv.
PolicyMap is an easy-to-use mapping program that includes over 15,000 US demographic and socioeconomic data indicators from the neighborhood census block to national levels. Data about demographics, neighborhood conditions, real estate markets, income, jobs and economy, education, crime, and health can be presented as maps, tables, charts and reports.
Data and interactive thematic maps from the U.S. Census from 1790-present.
Provides access to current and historical United States census data, including all historic decennial censuses and American Community Surveys, as well as other demographic information, such as religious organizations. Census data is current to 2010 and historical back to 1790. In addition to being a data resource, the web interface lets users create maps and reports to better illustrate, analyze and understand demography and social change.
A web-based data analysis and mapping application that allows users to create custom thematic maps, tables, and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data for the United States. Note: Access limited to 10 simultaneous users. To increase the limit temporarily for use in classes or workshops, please send your request to a minimum of 5 business days in advance.
A web-based data analysis and mapping application that allows users to create custom thematic maps, tables and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data for the United States. Includes over 70,000 data variables related to demographics, employment, real estate & housing, crime, businesses, consumer spending, and points of interest data from the US Census, historical US Census data (2000), SimmonsLOCAL data from Experian, and Nielsen Claritas PRIZM data.
Provides easy access to a wide variety of economic, social, political, and marketing indicators. (DataPlanet - Data-Planet - Statistical Datasets)
Offers easy access to over 5,550 data sets from over 65 source providers and 16 subject categories, including banking, criminal justice, education,energy, food and agriculture, government, health, housing and construction,industry and commerce, labor and employment, natural resources and environment, income, cost of living, stocks, transportation, and more. Sources of data include federal, local, state and international governments and organizations. Allows for customization of the data by selecting subjects, and the ability to view your data in side-by-side tables, charts and maps.
Includes maps, apps, and data layers. Some content freely available, some available with UC Berkeley login. To access:
--> Click the "Sign In" button
--> Click the "Enterprise Login" button
--> Enter "cal" (no quotes) in the box to complete the URL and click "Continue"
--> Sign in using your CalNet credentials
Geospatial boundary files (including TIGER/Line files) for different census geometries from 1990 - present. These do not include demographic data, but do contain geographic entity codes (GEOIDs) that can be linked to the Census Bureau’s demographic data.
These Geocorr (geographic correspondence engine) applications allow the user to obtain geographic correspondence files (crosswalk files, correlation lists, etc.) for dozens of geographic layers for the United States (50 states and DC). The various applications are nearly identical in what they do but vary in terms of the vintage of the database being accessed. Includes versions for 1990, 2000, and more recent census years.
Data and Maps for ArcGIS files are available on the dedicated GIS workstations at the Earth Sciences & Map Library. Look in the GIS Data folder for Esri Data and Maps > Data and Maps for ArcGIS [latest version] > usa > census
Other pages from the Census that provide helpful background information:
In some cases, the name is only in the form of a geographic code, such as a census block number. Some types of reference maps show and identify geographic features that are part of the boundary. Examples are roads and water features.
Reference maps can include additional features such as railroads to aid users in orienting themselves to a place on the map.
Material such as place codes or identifiers required for some uses of Census geospatial products. Reference files also may detail legal changes to places or areas.
Reference files give details about particular geographic areas. Reference files variously inform users of legal changes to entities, geographic boundary change notes, FIPS codes for places (and separately for school districts), and characteristics such as land area.
US statistics on violent crime (murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault) and property crime (burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft).
Provides geographically-linked health and demographic data from The DHS Program and the U.S. Census Bureau for mapping in a geographic information system (GIS).
Offers a window into the formative era of American politics by producing interactive maps and visualizations of Congressional elections from 1787 to 1825. The project makes available the electoral returns and spatial data underlying those maps, along with topical essays on the political history of the period and tutorials to encourage users to use the datasets to create their own maps.
Ongoing initiative to track all local, state, and federal public safety agencies in the United States that own drones for operational use. New editions of the “Public Safety Drones” report are published yearly.