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Literature in English

Browse library materials for the study of literature in English

Best Bets


Reference Collections

These collections provide access to many specialized encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries, and other reference materials.



Dictionaries of Phrases, Concepts, and Symbols

Dictionaries of Specific Forms of English

Dictionaries of Critical and Philosophical Terms

Language Dictionaries of Interest to Scholars of Literature in English

Welsh Dictionaries


Companions & Guidebooks


What is it?

A concordance is an alphabetical listing of words in a text or writer's oeuvre, with where the words can be found.

Ways to find:

  1. Keyword search: writer AND concordance*
  2. Subject search: use the format writer -- Concordances
    example: Dickinson, Emily, 1830-1886 -- Concordances


Library Catalogs

National Union Catalog, pre-1956 Imprints (NUC) Catalog of holdings of many U. S. libraries, including the Library of Congress.  Useful for tracking editions. Print: Main Z733.U57.C22556    

Library of Congress Online Catalog   Does NOT include every title in the NUC but has the newer titles.

The British Library General Catalogue of Printed Books to 1975   Gardner Stack Z921 .B8542 1975

British Library     Advanced search (with search tips) for the British Library site.



What Is Reference?

Reference sources include encyclopedias, dictionaries, and atlases.

They may give you a succinct overview of a topic. 

They may help you identify a topic to explore in depth.

They may provide quick, reliable facts.

They may include bibliographies that will lead you to detailed studies.