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Justice and Equity in Transportation and Urbanism

Justice and equity manifests in many different ways in transportation and urbanism. This guide presents a number of resources to help you engage with the work necessary to make these systems just.

Readings on Transportation & Land Use, Spatial Mismatch

Readings on Land Use, Gentrification and Housing

Bates, L. K. (2019). Growth without Displacement: A Test for Equity Planning in Portland. In N. Krumholz & K. W. Hexter (Eds.), Advancing Equity Planning Now (pp. 21–43). Cornell University Press. (BIPOC author)


Blumenberg, E. (2004). En-gendering Effective Planning: Spatial Mismatch, Low-Income Women, and Transportation Policy. Journal of the American Planning Association, 70(3), 269–281. 


Dawkins, C., & Moeckel, R. (2016). Transit-Induced Gentrification: Who Will Stay, and Who Will Go? Housing Policy Debate, 26(4–5), 801–818.


Grady, S., & LeRoy, G. (2006). Making the Connection: Transit-Oriented Development and Jobs. Good Jobs First. 


Grengs, J. (2010). Job accessibility and the modal mismatch in Detroit. Journal of Transport Geography, 18(1), 42–54.


Grengs, J. (2012). Equity and the social distribution of job accessibility in Detroit. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 39(5), 785–800.


Grube-Cavers, A., & Patterson, Z. (2015). Urban rapid rail transit and gentrification in Canadian urban centres: A survival analysis approach. Urban Studies, 52(1), 178–194.


Hamidi, S., Ewing, R., & Renne, J. (2016). How Affordable Is HUD Affordable Housing? Housing Policy Debate, 26(3), 437–455. (BIPOC author)


Hersey, J. K., & Spotts, M. A. (2015). Promoting Opportunity through Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (eTOD): Barriers to Success and Best Practices for Implementation (p. 76). Enterprise Community Partners.


Howland, S. (2020). “I Should Have Moved Somewhere Else”: The Impacts of Gentrification on Transportation and Social Support for Black Working-Poor Families in Portland, Oregon. Dissertations and Theses.


Ihlanfeldt, K. R., & Sjoquist, D. L. (1998). The Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis: A Review of Recent Studies and Their Implications for Welfare Reform. Housing Policy Debate, 9(4), 849–892.


Jones, C. E., & Ley, D. (2016). Transit-oriented development and gentrification along Metro Vancouver’s low-income SkyTrain corridor. The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe Canadien, 60(1), 9–22.


Kahn, M. E. (2007). Gentrification Trends in New Transit-Oriented Communities: Evidence from 14 Cities That Expanded and Built Rail Transit Systems. Real Estate Economics, 35(2), 155–182.


Ong, P. M., & Miller, D. (2005). Spatial and Transportation Mismatch in Los Angeles. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 25(1), 43–56. (BIPOC author)


Padeiro, M., Louro, A., & Costa, N. M. da. (2019). Transit-oriented development and gentrification: A systematic review. Transport Reviews, 39(6), 733–754.


Pollack, S., Bluestone, B., & Billingham, C. (2010). Maintaining Diversity In America’s Transit-Rich Neighborhoods: Tools for Equitable Neighborhood Change. Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy.


Rayle, L. (2015). Investigating the Connection Between Transit-Oriented Development and Displacement: Four Hypotheses. Housing Policy Debate, 25(3), 531–548.


Rosenthal, T. J. (2018, February 20). Op-Ed: Transit-oriented development? More like transit rider displacement. Los Angeles Times.


Sandoval, G. F. (2016). Making Transit-Oriented Development Work in Low-Income Latino Neighborhoods: A comparative case study of Boyle Heights, Los Angeles and Logan Heights, San Diego. (BIPOC author)


Sandoval, G. F. (2018). Planning the Barrio: Ethnic Identity and Struggles over Transit-Oriented, Development-Induced Gentrification. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X1879371. (BIPOC author)


Shipman, R. (2018). Who Wins and Who Loses? How Gentrification Caused by Public Transportation is Felt Differently Across Race. Politics Summer Fellows. 


Stehlin, J. G. (2015). Business Cycles: Race, Gentrification, and the Production of Bicycle Space in the San Francisco Bay Area [UC Berkeley]. 


Taylor, B. D., & Ong, P. M. (1995). Spatial Mismatch or Automobile Mismatch? An Examination of Race, Residence and Commuting in US Metropolitan Areas. Urban Studies, 32(9), 1453–1473. (BIPOC author)


Zuk, M., Bierbaum, A. H., Chapple, K., Gorska, K., & Loukaitou-Sideris, A. (2018). Gentrification, Displacement, and the Role of Public Investment. Journal of Planning Literature, 33(1), 31–44.