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Justice and Equity in Transportation and Urbanism

Justice and equity manifests in many different ways in transportation and urbanism. This guide presents a number of resources to help you engage with the work necessary to make these systems just.

Cobbs, C. (2020, June 14). What’s needed to address anti-Black racism in urban planning? Streetsblog Chicago. (BIPOC author)


García, I., & Crookston, J. (2019). Connectivity and Usership of Two Types of Multi-Modal Transportation Network: A Regional Trail and a Transit-Oriented Commercial Corridor. Urban Science, 3(1), 34. (BIPOC author)


Goetz, E. G., Williams, R. A., & Damiano, A. (2020). Whiteness and Urban Planning. Journal of the American Planning Association, 86(2), 142–156. (BIPOC author)


Golub, A., & Martens, K. (2014). Using Principles of Justice to Assess the Modal Equity of Regional Transportation Plans. Journal of Transport Geography, 41, 10–20. 

Grengs, J. (2015). Nonwork Accessibility as a Social Equity Indicator. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 9(1), 1–14.


Lowe, K. (2014). Bypassing Equity? Transit Investment and Regional Transportation Planning. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 34(1), 30–44.


Manaugh, K., Badami, M. G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2015). Integrating social equity into urban transportation planning: A critical evaluation of equity objectives and measures in transportation plans in North America. Transport Policy, 37, 167–176.


Marcantonio, R. A., Golub, A., Karner, A., & Nelson, L. (2017). Confronting Inequality in Metropolitan Regions: Realizing the Promise of Civil Rights and Environmental Justice in Metropolitan Transportation Planning. Fordham Urban Law Journal, 44(4), 1017. 


Martens, K., Golub, A., & Robinson, G. (2012). A justice-theoretic approach to the distribution of transportation benefits: Implications for transportation planning practice in the United States. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 46(4), 684–695.


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2020). Equity Analysis in Regional Transportation Planning Processes, Volume 1: Guide. The National Academies Press.


Páez, A., Scott, D. M., & Morency, C. (2012). Measuring accessibility: Positive and normative implementations of various accessibility indicators. Journal of Transport Geography, 25, 141–153.


Yasin, A. (2020, June 18). Whose Streets? Black Streets. The Tyee. (Black author)