The Atlas of the Indigenous Peoples of Mexico is a resource that contains audio, video materials, photographs, maps and the ethnographic description
Hosted by the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples (INPI) and the National Institute of Indigenous Languages, the Atlas of the Indigenous Peoples of Mexico is a resource that contains audio, video materials, photographs, maps and the ethnographic description
The Biblioteca Digital de la Medicina Tradicional Mexicana is a digital library compiling information on traditional Mexican medicine, including medicinal plants, practices of indigenous peoples, and testimonies from traditional healers.
"Biblioteca Digital de la Medicina Tradicional Mexicana includes following distinct components: Diccionario Enciclopédico de la Medicina Tradicional Mexicana, La Medicina Tradicional de los Pueblos Indígenas de México, Atlas de las Plantas de la
Medicina Tradicional Mexicana, and Flora Medicinal Indígena de México"
The Biblioteca Digital Mexicana is a multi-institutional initiative to create a digital collection of historical documents from Mexico from 500 A.D. to 1949.
The documents range from pre-hispanic codices such as the Mixtec Codice Colombino from the 12th century, to the original manuscript of the Plan de Ayala written in 1911 by Emiliano Zapata and Otilio Montano, one of the most important documents of the Mexican Revolution. (Updates unknown)
A collection of correspondence; government documents, including reports, commissions, decrees, and awards; church documents; published illustrated materials; maps; and writings and poems from Mexico on civil, military, economic, religious, and social topics. It may be useful to consult the finding aid at Yale University, where the original collection is housed.
Collection contains works of Mexican popular culture from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th centuries with illustrations by José Guadalupe Posada (1854-1913).
Explores bilateral efforts to combat drug trafficking and organized crime. Topics include Operation Intercept, the rise of cartels, and the Mérida Initiative. Documents reveal the evolution of U.S. counternarcotics strategies, including military aid, intelligence-sharing, and the impact of drug violence on U.S.-Mexico relations.
This collection contains personal and official papers, his military diary, accounts of his Mexican properties and official papers of his tenure as Emperor (1822-1823)
!Zapatistas! contains the full, English language text of every communique published (along with several that were not published, as well as many interviews, letters, and essays) from the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) from December 31, 1994 through June 12, 1994.